Friday, December 28, 2012

because someone asked why...

Lift off

The Facebook Group is taking shape.  We have 69 members and are growing by the moment.  Well, maybe that is a stretch.   I did not want to lose the outlet here on the blog, but I am so glad that I started the group.  Now - if I can just get everyone to understand that the group is the one place that it's pefectly acceptable to be supercilious and haughty, then we can really get this party started.  haha

Today, I changed the name from "Momma Mud: Motivated by Mud" to just "Motivated by Mud".  It is no longer MY group... it is OUR GROUP!

Keep it going, please add your friends.  The more the merrier.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The weight of the world

Secrets from the pro's-
So you have the sexy abs and the fitness model booty, but you want the shoulders to make your waist seem even smaller, to give you that desirable hourglass shape. In order to do that, you must build up your shoulders, capping your lateral delts, having a nice round curve, front to back.

Building beautiful shoulders

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ass to grass? Almost


New Personal Best: 
175 pounds - 1rep max. 


I shall not flag nor fail.

I don't think that I could necessarily consider this a "Flex Friday" photo but it is Friday, and I am flexing.  In an effort to commit myself to this new lifestyle, I wanted to very literally and tangibly commit. Whelp... can't get more committed then a tattoo.
So you ask, "Why 'Flag nor Fail'"?.  Originally... the phrase is actually a quote by Winston Churchill, but it is a little more then just the initial phrase. When I started googling all this fitness stuff at the start of my journey, I came across several quotes, websites, fitness blogs and competitor photos.  I was in sensory overload.  One thing that I kept running into was photos of Dana Linn Bailey.  I have blogged about her before.  Long story short, she's hot!  When Xavy and I were training together, he wanted me to get an idea of the physique that I was working towards.  He could make anything happen, I just needed to show him what direction I was headed in.  In my searches through hundreds and hundreds of photos on google, I found it.  I found it over and over again.  Each physique that caught my eye was coincidental the same person.  So... I made my pick.  I wanted to find out a bit more about Dana and I found that she owned a company called, "Flag nor Fail".  They hand print shirts and stuff with some bad ass motivational phrases and saying.  A sign?  Maybe.  I also noticed that their logo was very similar to the logo that I created for Motivated by Mud.  Another sign?  I think so. 

There ya have it.  I shall not flag nor fail.  I am in this for the long haul.  No matter how hard, how long, how grueling this journey is.  I shall not flag nor fail.  With its placement, if I plan to show it off ever and not look like an epic fail, I don't have much of a choice either.  How is that for motivation? 
Thanks Chris at Stone House.  Fantastic work!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This app is magic!  I cropped out my grunting face.  NOT CUTE! lol

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MY facebook

So, it maybe is or isn't my issue, but I have found that some of my old friends have completely squeezed me out on Facebook.  Perhaps me posting on MY page has caused me to isolate myself.  Recently, I have made a conscious effort to limit the motivational and inspirational posts and photos on my personal Facebook page.  I have saved them all for my Motivated by Mud page and blog.  It is almost a shame that I am giving in on this but I think its necessary in order to maintain some connection with the outside world.  (The world that does not see my pursuit of fitness the way that I do.).  I am uncertain about how I feel about this.  I almost feel like I am selling out.  Do you know what I mean?  Anyone else have this issue?

I miss you.

I miss blogging.  Something about blogging rather then facebooking is just a little different.  People can comment on facebook very easily, when I am blogging, its a bit more indirect.  It gives me a feeling of security that I am doing this without regards for other peoples feelings.  I am reminded that I am also doing this for me.

Not that I have anything that controversial to say. Ha!

I had a session with my therapist this morning and I cried from 9:01-9:59.  This number thing is so freaking hard.  I know you all know what I am talking about.  I will be the first one to tell my clients that what the scale says does not matter but when it comes to myself, I can't let go.  Last week, I saw 161.  The closest to 160 that I have ever been.  1 pound away.  16ounces.  That is insane that I can't break past that.  What I do have to remember, and I am attempting to do so on here, is what I have accomplished during this 4 pound struggle.  These last 4 pounds have been haunting me for weeks, months even.  I was told today that its not about what I didn't do to lose those 4 pounds, its what I did do to hold on to those 4 pounds.  First and foremost... It wasn't a gain.  It's not like I hovered around 164 for two weeks and now I am at 180.  I say, "Nay, Nay".  In the course of this 4 pound struggle, I have learned and developed the muscle to do so much more.  I have gone from 0 to 99% with a kipping pull-up.  Pushing myself doing the pull-ups lead to something totally unexpected.  I attempted the rope for the first time in a few months and I was literally only 2 pulls away from the top.  That's at least 14 feet.  Again, 0 to 99% success. I can deadlift sets of 20 at 135lbs.  Once again, 0, (okay 45lbs) to 135lbs.  I can do sets of 7 handstand push-ups.  They are ugly and all get out but I can do them.  Here it is again, 0 to 99%. 

Come on brain, get with the program.  That crap takes muscles.  Not girly muscles.  Big, strong, swollen muscles. 

Uhhhhhhh!  I am hoping that this sinks in a bit.  Someone out there remind me to re-read this to myself once in a while.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Eggs. Yuck!

I am not a fan of eggs.  Never was, never will be.  In the past, people would ask me how I liked my eggs, my answer was, "On on someone elses plate.".  I was my own worst nightmare getting into my meal plan.   My meal plan listed egg whites as a staple.  Uhhh... I was so annoyed.  The only thing that I could possibly hate more then eggs were veggies and those suckers were on there too.  I had not choice.  It was a do or die kinda thing.  I knew that I had to be all in on this whole process.  So.... I rolled my eyes and snatched up my little list of nastyness.

Nine months later, for the most part, I am on auto-pilot. I know what I need to eat and I just do it.  With little regard for flavor.  Sure, I pick the best of the worst, but I don't nix something on my plan simply because I don't care for it.  If Xavy would have told me to eat rabbit poo, I probably would have found a way to add it into some greek yogurt and make it work.  There comes a point in the process where it all just clicks.  One day you are adding salt or mayo to make your dish taste better, the next you are eating salad mix out of a bag like potatoes chips.  Once you understand/remember that food simply "fuel", it is powerless over you.  You can suck it up and plow through.  I absolutely have times where I slip but getting back on track is inevitably the same series of events.  Indulge on a cheat day..struggle with cravings...disgusted with my weakness... annoyed with my plan... buckling down on my meals... then... running on auto-pilot.  The trick is, knowing that once you get off track, its not an excuse to quit.  It's a chance to kick start it all again.

This weekend I was at a holiday party and spotted a deviled egg tray.  Almost out of habit, I popped one in my mouth.  I am not exactly sure which habit I was acting on.  Was I acting on the the habit of being at a party and grabbing something mindlessly?  Was I acting subconsciously because of my meal plan, shoveling in any egg white I see?  Regardless, I immediately cringed in regret.  I don't like eggs!

Weird...I eat 5-6 dozen of eggs a week for my meal plan.   It's what works, so I do it.  To be honest, I don't give it a second thought.  At home, I eat for fuel.  At the party, I was just eating because it was there.  My brain some how knew the difference. Your brain is a very powerful tool.  It tells you everything that you need to know about yourself. You just have to stop and listen to it.  I think that this experience was a wake-up call reminding me that cheat meals are fine here and there, but fat lasts longer then flavor.  I know what food choices are right and wrong, I am in control of every thing that I put in my body.  Every choice I make is mine alone and my success is directly related to those choices that I make.  My brain and body can tell the difference between clean food and run of the mill party food. That means that I have no excuses.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Tip of the day:


I have made some connections recently which might give us some access to a Nutritionist.  Not a few of us with some good ideas, a real nutritionist.  How exciting, right?  I will keep you all in the loop!


Social networks such as Facebook, have either very loyal followers or they have the nay-sayers.  I happen to be a loyal follower.  Starting a Facebook page for the followers of my blog has proven to be a really good idea.  I have already made some outside connections and I know a few of you have really gotten into it.  Thank you for the support and the interest in my blog.

Please join this group and feel free to post it on your wall to your friends.

Momma Mud: Motivated by Mud

Sunday, December 2, 2012

28 days

In October, I made a goal to do 100 unassisted pull ups before New Years. 

Where are my friends? Seriously, how come no one smacked me? Haha

So, I've been a bit obsessed with the whole pull up business for the last month.  I got the dead hang. I've got the assisted. I have even gotten the kipping part down.  Now...I've gotta put it all together and make some magic happen.

Does anyone else get on these little tangents too?  I mean, I am up in the middle of the night googling tips. Crazy right?  I'm not sure that its making the situation any better but I think my obsession has worn off on Becca.  Every day, you can catch us trying until our hands are shredded.  Last night, I hit my rock bottom.  Well, rock top to be completely honest.  At 2 a.m., I rigged up my assistance band on the rock climbing tactical board in my bedroom.  (Yes, I've got a tactical board in my bedroom. Haha). Who does that crap in the middle of the night? 

All of these tips and tries are paying off. Today, I put it all together.  It was the same determination that got me up the wall bouldering.  I took a deep breath and told myself I was not excepting anything but 150%.  I have all the tools to make this happen.  Courage, strength and  determination.  I gave it my all and I pulled off what could be considered the best effort of an unassisted kipping wide grip pull up ever.  My chin was honestly about 4 inches away from th bar.  Only 4 inches separate me from another goal.   I've got all the hard parts down.  I've got 28 more days to smash this goal.  If I can do 1. I can do 100.  If crossfit has taught be anything, its that 100 is only made up of a lot of 1's added together.