Sunday, December 2, 2012

28 days

In October, I made a goal to do 100 unassisted pull ups before New Years. 

Where are my friends? Seriously, how come no one smacked me? Haha

So, I've been a bit obsessed with the whole pull up business for the last month.  I got the dead hang. I've got the assisted. I have even gotten the kipping part down.  Now...I've gotta put it all together and make some magic happen.

Does anyone else get on these little tangents too?  I mean, I am up in the middle of the night googling tips. Crazy right?  I'm not sure that its making the situation any better but I think my obsession has worn off on Becca.  Every day, you can catch us trying until our hands are shredded.  Last night, I hit my rock bottom.  Well, rock top to be completely honest.  At 2 a.m., I rigged up my assistance band on the rock climbing tactical board in my bedroom.  (Yes, I've got a tactical board in my bedroom. Haha). Who does that crap in the middle of the night? 

All of these tips and tries are paying off. Today, I put it all together.  It was the same determination that got me up the wall bouldering.  I took a deep breath and told myself I was not excepting anything but 150%.  I have all the tools to make this happen.  Courage, strength and  determination.  I gave it my all and I pulled off what could be considered the best effort of an unassisted kipping wide grip pull up ever.  My chin was honestly about 4 inches away from th bar.  Only 4 inches separate me from another goal.   I've got all the hard parts down.  I've got 28 more days to smash this goal.  If I can do 1. I can do 100.  If crossfit has taught be anything, its that 100 is only made up of a lot of 1's added together.

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