Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Not every fall is a bad one.

Looking back on the weekend, one could say that I had fallen off the wagon.  But did I?  Saturday, I had a wedding reception where I had roasted chicken, corn and a baked potato.  Not so bad. I have to admit that it was not perfect.  I did have half of a cupcake and a Vodka and Cranberry.  Again, not so bad.  Every meal, I weighed my options but enjoyed my "cheat".  For dinner that night I had Indian.  I chilled out on the rice but for the most part, I went all out on the flavor.  Sunday... mmm.... Sunday I went to the Cheesecake Factory and had half of a low carb cheesecake for a mid day treat.  For dinner, I enjoyed some steak, broccoli and a potato at the steak house. Bad? Not at all.  I guess it goes to show you CAN go out and eat and live your normal life without thinking that your meal-plan has you enslaved.  Because I had made these choices, I did make sure to get all my regular workouts in and upped the cardio to offset the pesky calories that made my cheats so yummy.

So what was the collateral damage?  Well, I did not hit 169 by Sunday like I had anticipated.  I ended the weekend where I started but I had not had a gain.  I actually think that my body does better after a little cheat.  I used to be scared to death to allow myself that cheat because I thought I would be making up for it for weeks.  I guess there is a difference between a small cheat and an all out free-for-all for 72hrs.  I wouldn't say this was a "fall off of the wagon".  It was more of a slip.  The point is, I got back on right away.  I didn't throw up my hands and say, "Screw it!".  I made the best decisions for what was offered and took advantage of the factors that I could control.  I could control my portions, I could control the condoments, I could control the workouts and the cardio. 

This morning, I woke to see something that I have not seen on the scale since I was a teenager.  169lbs.  That's 9lbs. to my next goal and a total of 89lbs. down. Yay!!! I may have slipped off of the wagon but when I got back on, I buckled up and kept going.  Now looking back at the weekend, I see that I have learned even more about my body and what works for me. I'm putting that in my arsenal going forward on this journey.

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