Friday, July 13, 2012


 When I am talking to others about my journey, one of the biggest excuses that people make for not embarking on their own jouney is that they "can't do that".  Can't what?  Sacrifice is a major part of this whole process.  It is one of those tabu subjects that hang over our heads but none of us address head on.  In order to make this work... it is going to suck for a while.

Some people look at me like a leper and others look at me like I am super woman.  I am neither of them.  I am Lori Adams.  I was fat, lazy, undriven and uneducated.  Then... I wasn't.  That in-between sucked for me too.  In fact it still sucks.  I have had to give up just as much, if not more then anyone else out there that strives to change their lives.  That's why I don't refer to this as a process of just getting skinny.  It is a journey to better myself.  It goes way beyond a Point A/Point B kinda thing.  I am doing all of this to get healthy, fit, change my life, change my lifestyle, change my self confidence and self awareness.  I will get thinner in the process but that is not the entire point.  I think that that's what upsets me with weight loss surgery treatments. I am pretty sure that if you skip the sacrifice part, you are selling yourself short of the process.   I know that at a certain body size, exercise is uncomfortable and dangerous, I get that someone might want a little help to slim down.  I've been there and every day I bow down to the makers of compression pants and sports bra's.  Without having to go through every pound, every inch, every meal selection and every dumbell in the gym, I am not sure that I would have the appreciation for my body that I do now.  I know things about my body now that I had to learn for myself.  Important things, things that a surgeon could never prepare you for. Things that you will need in your future when you attempt to maintain that weight loss.  I learned it through sacrifice, blood, sweat, tears and of course... mud.  I know when I had 20 ounces less water today then I did yesterday.  I know when it is going to rain.  I know what time of the day I can most effectively train.  I know this because I had to learn it.  I did not wake up off of an operating table and have the hard work done for me.  (Again, I commend anyone on any effort they are putting forth even if it is surgery.  I just think that there is a better -but much harder- way to do it.)

[sak-ruh-fahys] Show IPA noun, verb, sac·ri·ficed, sac·ri·fic·ing.
1. the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.
2. the thing so surrendered or devoted.
3. a loss incurred in selling something below its value.

Yup, sounds about right to me.  If you are serious about changing your life and doing it for the long haul, you WILL have to endure some sacrifices.  Wanna hear some of mine?  Sure you do. 

  • Cable or Internet.  If I had it, I would be home watching it.  My gym has Direct TV and wifi.  If I need to get online or watch something on cable, I better get my butt on the elliptical and do it. 
  • Friends.  We have talked about that before.  I have sadly lost too many "friends" over the fact that I choose my new lifestyle over theirs. Punks!
  • Money.   Eating healthy is expensive.  So is a gym membership, new clothes, shoes and songs for my ipod.  Hey, I like me some PitBull!
  • Time.  It is very hard to find time in your day for anything else when you spend an average of 3 hours in the gym and 1 hour cooking meals for the next day.
  • Pets.  This is a rough subject still.  Today I surrendered my kitty, Marley.  It broke my heart but it was the right thing to do.  He and I have spent the last several months on edge with each other.  He was clearly acting out because I have not been home and have not had the time to spend with him.  It became a vicious circle.  He was mad that I was not home so he pee'ed on something, I got mad that he pee'ed on something so he was confined to a room, he was mad that he was confined to a room so he pee'ed on everything in the room.  Uhhhh... poor guy. He is being adopted into a good home tomorrow so I just KNOW that this was a good choice for him.  He deserves more then what I can offer. 
  • Manicure.  I can't even tell you when the last time my nails were done.  Even painting them myself only lasts about a day before a chip or break them on a dumbell or in karate.
  • Cheese.   I don't want to talk about it.  *sniff sniff*
  •  BLT's  (Bites, Licks, Tastes.) .  I love finger food, I love cooking, I love trying new foods and licking the spoon after mixing or scooping anything.  Unfortuantely, all of those itty bitty bites add up. It was hard to give those things up because I assumed they were one time deals and I owed it to myself to try it but guess what..... there will be more Doritos and more chocolate frosting in your life.  You do not have to have it every time.  
  • The list goes on and on...

With all of this that I have sacrificed, it still comes no where near to balance of the things that I have gained.  The things that make all of this worth it.  I don't need to list them all here.  Just re-read any one of my blog entries.  

So when you try and tell yourself that you "can't do it" because of some of the sacrifices that you will endure, your just making excuses.  We all did it and are doing it every day.  We will be your support.  We will be there to tell you that we know what its like.  If  I can do it, so can you. Get over it! 



  1. I LOVE this blog entry!!!! This training for LIFE stuff is hard work and takes big time dedication and sacrifice. The hard is what's gonna make it GREAT when the maintain part of this journey begins!

  2. This was GOOOOOOD. So very very true. Awww cheese, BUT what do you want more?? Cheese or to be stronger and leaner? I hear a lot of the "cant" too, but it all boils down to you really CAN, IF you DECIDE to. So I reply, "well you can, you just have to want to" :)
