Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Big Picture
I have been toying with the idea of 2 long term goals. I have never done a long term goal before and stuck with it. I have had the most success with short term but, I am thinking that this blog and all of you will help me keep accountable and working towards them. Some of you have talked them through with me before and to some of you this is going to be news.
See.... I am still stalling and dancing around actually typing out.
1: MMA Fight. (Sorry, Mom!) Ideally I would like to wrestle down (pun intended) this one before I turn 35. I have seen the women in my current weight class. HELL NO!!!! That will not be happening for at least another 15lbs. That's it... I wrote it out... Goal Set!
That brings me right on into my second goal. In order to fight, I have to be in the best fighting shape possible right? Well... while I am at it....
2: Competition. Fitness/Figure/Physique??? ... I still have a lot of research to do. I immediately feel like I need to defend my decision and I have no idea why that is. Maybe because it is still so unbelievable to even me. 6 months ago, I never would have considered it. 6 weeks ago I probably would have still been laughing it off. How the hell is Xavy so damn persuasive? He was the one that first mentioned it and has not let it go. He seems to have more confidence in me then I have in myself but it is starting to rub off. Xavy never used the words, "If you compete...", it was and is always, "When you compete...". We have talked about training for another year to slim down and then see where we are. I am having so much fun training that I can see myself enjoying the whole process. I have a feeling though he is already running me through some preliminary tests with his, "Phase 2". hahah I am already becoming one of "those" people in the gym. You know the ones, lifting free weights in the mirror checking themselves out. Oh yea! HaHaHa
Until then, I have made a collage of images that I have been drooling over for the past 11 weeks. These have been the saved images on my computer that keep me focused on fitness and not just trying to get skinny.
You go girl!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Cheaters Never Prosper
This weekend I decided to go for it. My brother was in town, my Uncle had made plans for an incredible day of yummy yummy goodness, I helped host a baby shower and Xavy said I earned my buffalo wings. I was going to do it!
Friday night, I stuck to my plan. I didn't want to start too soon. I stopped and got a wheat wrap at Royal Farms since I had a long evening of running to go. Good! Got it.
Saturday, I stuck to the plan pretty much all day. Putting on the finishing touches setting up for the baby shower I had my protein shake in tow with my almonds. I did not do amazing but I stayed on plan about 95%. Not bad, not bad at all. I knew there was a chance that a buffalo wing was in my future and I did not want to screw it up. I met with Xavy and his wife to watch the U.F.C. fight. With his permission and encouragement, I had my wings. First time in at least 10 weeks. WOW! They were scrumptious! No fries, stuck to water. Again, not bad.
Sunday, oh Sunday was a whole different story. If you know my Aunt Jen, you know that she doesn't do anything half-ass. She put the Cracker Barrel to shame. I had scrapple, bacon, creamed chipped beef, croissants and that is only what I can remember. For lunch I had a sugar free snowball. For dinner I had a protein bar. (like that was going fix the damage). For the second dinner, we went to the Melting Pot. Xavy said to skip the cheese and chocolate but go for the veggies and meats. Please! I gave it some consideration over the first bite of cheddar cheese covered apple. All bets were off after that. I went balls to the wall straight through to the chocolate!
The aftermath...
I woke up at 4:00 a.m. with a tummy-ache that didn't let up all day. To be honest, I am still a little nauseated today. For dinner, I had a hand full of dry raw veggies in an attempt of surrender. I had to push myself to get up and go to the gym. I was dragging ass. I felt terrible. 2 years ago, my "cheat" day was a regular old day and I didn't feel this way after, or did I? (A point to ponder.)
I should have stopped at the wings! That was all that I REALLY wanted. The rest was just ridiculous. It was not worth feeling how I have felt the last 2 days. My body likes the "New Lori". I just wish it didn't have to prove it quite so convincingly.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The fat one
We all have those family members. You know the ones... the big one, the funny one, the tall one, the blonde one, the skinny one and the fat one. For the last 13-14 years, I have been the "fat" one of my moms children. No, don't get bent out of shape. I am not being self depreciating. I am still the cute one and the sweet one. Haha
Losing weight has been such a long process that I started to lose motivating about a year ago. I had to change the way I thought. I would hide from friends until I hit a certain goal, ashamed that they were not going to see the progress I made thus far. Dumb huh? I am not sure how she said it but Kelly and I had a talk one day and the gist of it was that I had taken years to put the weight on, it was not going to disappear over night. Additionally, she reminded me that all my friends loved me at my largest, they will love me today and in 5 lbs. I suppose I was just ashamed. Bottom line. How much had I missed out on because of that?
As I get ready for the baby shower of my new niece, Ellie. I am putting on my newest outfit I got just for today. I couldn't risk getting it any earlier then yesterday because clothes don't fit around here for more then a few weeks. Haha.
Size 12 jeans: same cut and brand that I just got in a 14 a few weeks ago.I can not remember when I was a size 12. My prom dress was at least a 14-16.
Size Medium top: I tried it on and a sales girl came out of the wood work and told me that I had to buy it. I had fantastic shoulders.
When Ellie is born, she will know me as many things but I have a chance to start fresh. Ellie will always remember me slimmer. I won't be the "fat" aunt. Crazy, loud, silly, active and energetic maybe, but not fat.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Shake it like a Polariod Picture
I can not stress to you how many times a simple picture has saved Xavy's neck. Here I am at week 10 and I weigh about the same as I did in week 4. The difference you ask? Inches!!! I have been keeping a little photo log on and let me tell you, I am so glad that I have.
I found a spot in my house in front of the mirror and have been taking a photo in the same two poses in the same place every 2 weeks. The first day I took the photo, I nearly cried. I was already 75lbs down and I still looked like a marshmallow cream puff. I was very shy to show it to Kelly and Xavy but I knew it had to be done. I had to get real about it. Spanx and Compression pants can't hide me forever, right? (Plus, I needed the reality check that just because they make bikini's in size 14 does not mean I should wear them.)
*Can I just stop for a moment and give a shout out to Kelly's partner and Xavy's wife? Saint's I'll tell ya, Saint's. You both put up with so much in order to allow them to give us clients the attention we need.
So back to the half naked photos I am knowingly putting on the internet...
For the most part, I wake up every day feeling or seeing something different in/on my body. A new muscle group, a new shadow of a body part shrinking, a new jiggle of something or other and my personal favorite... Hip Bones!!! Even though I feel it, I am not going to lie. I want to SEE it. I want to see my body the way everyone else does. These pictures have gotten me through some pretty tough times in this process and have also fueled me to plow through and stay the course.
This morning I took my week 10 photos and just about had a cow. (wait, a very skinny cow.) This week I have seen the most difference then I have during any other 2 week increment. I had a "fat" week last week so I was a little reluctant to take the photos. I am so glad I did.
If you are interested in seeing my photos, please send me a comment and an email address. I have no problem sharing them. The good, the bad and the jiggly. :)
Warrior Log
I really need to get some sleep. It is getting late and this warrior needs her rest. Wait... Ooooo, maybe I do want to dress up after all. I mean, Kelly and I wore TuTu's last year and it was indeed too too cute. Hmmm... maybe I will see what I can scrounge up last minute.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 - 0100 hours.
What good can really come of a 24 hour Wal-Mart? I should have had my butt in bed hours ago but here I am, decorating a t-shirt for tomorrow- wait, today. Crap, I need to get to bed.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 - 0330 hours.
Is it time to get up yet? How about now? Now?
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -0500 hours.
I can not lay here another hour. I am sooooo pumped. But what shall I do with the extra time? I can't hardly sit here and twiddle my thumbs for much longer. I know, I will do pushups. I might as well get warmed up.
40push-ups at 5 in the morning? Have I lost my damn mind? I hear war does that to soldiers some times.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -0745 hours.
The gang is all here! Kelly, Jessica, Nicole, Gail, ummm why is Dorothea putting on make-up? lol. Xavy said that what ever Kelly feeds me is fine with him. YEA BUDDY, BRING ON THE BAGEL AND PEANUT BUTTER!!! Okay, lets get a move on! We can't miss Lynn's finish.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1035 hours.
Umm... Our wave was at 10:30 but since we are still in the car in traffic, we have agreed to go rouge on our wave and go when ever the heck we want! Cause that's how we roll! Where is Lynn? *Sending good juju her way!
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1040 hours.
What the ... ???
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1100 hours.
Bibs on, "Before" photo's taken, shoes tied... It's on! Ready... Set...GO
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1105 hours.
Still running, so far so good. All of us are looking strong and keeping a good steady pac-Gail is down! MAN DOWN MAN DOWN!
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1125 hours.
Still freaking running. I hate running! There was not this much straight-a-way last year and Kelly keeps looking back to check on me. Uhhh... Why did I sign up for this? Wait, I am STILL running- Hell Freakin' Yea!!! Go me, go me....Oh' shit- a wall.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1140 hours.
I hate to be a stick in the mud but I was just literally stuck in the mud. I cleared 5 walls in a row all to get stuck in the mud. Jessica was pushing my ass, 2 or 3 girls were pulling each arm... it was a site to see! But... I made it... first obstacle cleared. Back to the damn running part.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1145 hours.
Screw it, I am walking the hills. I'll train for hills NEXT year. Besides, I am ROCKING these obstacles. Up and over like a champ. We all are in fact. Go us!
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1150 hours.
Ummm... I didn't get the memo about the fire being bigger this year. Gee... I hope someone takes a picture. This would make a kick ass action shot.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1205 hours.
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1206 hours.
Go team!!! We killed it and have our medals to show for it. Now, where do we sign up for next year? Better yet, wheres the beer and hot dogs?
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -1300 hours.
Showered and fed, thank goodness for the VIP Tent for St. Jude. Otherwise, Lynn and I would have never had a chance to shower together in the Men's shower. (Hmmm, that sounds like a start of a whole new kinda blog.) *Giving a mental shout out to everyone that donated!!!
Warrior Log: 5/18/12 -Sometime later that night
I am so proud, I am so tired, I am so bruised and I can not wait to start training for the Rebel Race.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
50 Shades of Purple
Back to it!
Tonight is my first workout since right before the Warrior Dash. My knees are feeling better and the scabs on my legs have formed. Now, I can finally shave my legs. Some of the bruises are still a mystery but I have accepted them as badges of pride. All of the shades of purple are really rather lovely. Life is back to normal again for this Warrior.
This is my last week of Phase 1: Muscle Endurance Training. (Whatever the neck that is.) To me, I know it as Week 10 of whatever he says, goes. Apparently we are going out with a bang with 3 sets of 50+ reps of EVERYTHING. Oh, except knee raises, I get to do 150 reps of those bad boys. 10 weeks ago I was doing 45 ball squats, this week I am doing 150 with 30lbs. Wow. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's a process.
I've been getting a lot of people not recognizing me lately. Not being polite, seriously not even knowing they have ever seen me in their lives. (Who ever would have thought I would be so forgettable?) This weekend I get to see my brother Luke. As far as I can figure, I have not seen him in about a year. I am so excited! Duh, he will recognize me but I can't wait to see the shock in his face. Who has "guns" and can't wait to show them off to her brother? --> this girl <-- haha.
*So... on a side note, If you know Luke, you may want to tell him to practice his shock and awe face. ;)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Working hard PAYS off.
I know, I know. You were hoping for a blog about the Warrior Dash. I need to find about 4 hours in my schedule to write about all that awesomeness.
So, back to it.
For a year now, this gym has been my home away from home. I've made friends, made my ass smaller (subsequently my boobs), made dates (prior to the loss of my dear DD cups), and made the owner recognize my administrative and marketing skillz. I'll be doing what I do best. TALKING! Hey, I can sell salt to a slug. Haha. Okay, maybe that's pushing it a little.
I'm here, I might as well be making money. The gym has been my one luxury. I've given up cable and internet at home to keep myself motivated to come in. If I want to watch it, I better get my butt on cardio. (Nothing like sobbing to the season finale of Grays Anatomy on the elliptical machine.) Haha
See ya in the club!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
And we are off....
Up, fed, dressed and packed...
The Warriors are on the way to the Battlefield.
I finished my battlegear at 1:00 a.m.. How long do you think this shirt is going to stay white?
° Lez B Honest... Xavy likes his girls DIRTY!
Friday, May 18, 2012
For the love of Peanut Butter
Yup, it has come to this... in addition to the Nutella, regular Peanut Butter has to go. (My choice.)
In the morning, I have been having my ricotta cheese and egg waffle for breakfast which I assume, and plan to continue to assume, is good for me. HOWEVER, on top... I started with peanut butter after my accidental overdose with Nutella. Peanut butter has been a better choice but again, I can't seem to control my portion sizes. With asparagus and broccoli I seem to have no problem not over doing it, hmmm? It is my one little cheat of the day and it helps me to stay strong with my diet plan the rest of the day. I know that I need to make a change before Xavy strips me of it all together. haha. I've toyed with the idea of giving up my waffle and switching to something less tempting but I just can not do it. They are fabulous!
I just ordered PB2 to see if it helps. Anyone care to weigh in on it?
For those interested in my "waffle" recipe... here ya go!
Ricotta Cheese Waffles
2 large eggs1/4 C Lowfat Ricotta Cheese
1 T Granular Splenda, more or less to taste
1/2 t. Baking Powder
1/4 t. Cinnamon, more or less to taste
Preheat waffle iron. If no waffle iron is available, recipe can also be used for fluffy pancakes
Beat eggs with electric mixer on high for 1 minute to make them light and fluffy. (I hand mix)
Add all other ingredients.
Beat until smooth.
Spray waffle maker with PAM or other cooking spray.
Pour all batter, should fill bottom tray.
Close and cook as usual for waffles.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Mad Props!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Pound for Pound
Tonight, Xavy and I came up with the idea to lift a the amount of weight I have lost to date. We walked to the rack and I found the dumb bells marked 80lbs. Those suckers were friggin huge!!! I reached down with my left hand and pulled. It barely budged. I turned and grabbed it with both hands and gave it one big tug. I was strong enough to lift it up but no where near strong enough to lift it off of the rack. What a moment.
In a fraction of a second, it was all so clear. I knew exactly why I can sprint now and couldn't then. I knew why it used take everything out of me to be on my feet, playing with my cousins. I was reassured that without a doubt, my knee problems are real.
I had to walk away from the rack and Xavy before the water works started. I cried a little walking away and I am crying now typing this. It was so overwhelming to physically pick up the weight that I dropped. I could feel in my hands the burden that was a part of me for so long. What an incredible thing to witness.
This is something that I think I will be doing often as a reminder of where I was and how much I NEED to never go back.
Try it!
Misery Loves Company
Can I tell you how annoying it is to listen to friends of mine tell me that what I am doing is obsessive or that it is just a phase? Go pick on someone your own size (pun intended).
To the average person, killing it for the Warrior Dash the way that I am now is just insane. Guess what, it is insane for me too. It is not easy work and the tangible rewards are seriously not worth the fight. I will get a tiny piece of metal on a muddy ribbon and spend the rest of the day in the shower bitching about all the mud. I won't get 5 minutes of fame on T.V., I will not get a cash reward, I will not get any thing out of it but a goal met and exceeded. People work different ways. This journey has taken me two years and I have found a method that works. I set a goal, I smash it, I move on. That method may not work for you but, guess what? I am not you. My goals are different then any other person whether they are on the Warrior Battleground or on the couch eating ice-cream that day.
Two weeks ago, someone told me that they would rather be fat then miserable. I hesitated putting this on my blog but people with that mindset, probably are not interested in my journey. Miserable? Obviously you have not seen me flexing in the mirror or getting all giddy when Xavy tells me my shoulders are getting, "ridonculous". Surely you have not seen the little dance I do when I try on pants/shirts/bra's and realize that they are way smaller then they were 2 days ago. I am transforming my life one day at a time. I am no longer allowing anyone to make me feel guilty because our priorities and goals are different. I mean, really? My 2 hours in the gym is not any more insane then someones 2 hours watching T.V.. My quest for healthy food at a party is no more obnoxious then their quest to beat everyone to the dessert tray.
To anyone reading this blog that is not an evil naysayer, you CAN do it. You do not have to get up off the couch today and do the 100 Burpee Challenge tomorrow. It, like anything else, is a process. Start some where. Anywhere. Just start. Listen to yourself and the positive influences in your life and surround yourself with greatness. That is why I look up to Kelly, Xavy and Tracie. They know how to get where I want to be.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Doy is broken...
This morning I am running on turtle speed but a very proud turtle. I kicked ass, (according to me) in training last night. Xavy said he was impressed with me. *Happy Dance*.
We named one of the workouts, "Satan's Push-ups". Instead of holding your hands on the floor under you doing a push-up, you hold weights. As you come up to complete the push-up, you lift one weight/arm to do a row. Then repeat. Then repeat. Then... Uhhhh! I felt awesome doing them. No matter how bad they looked, I had only ever seen them on T.V. so - take that Jillian Michaels!
You know you are in Warrior Week with Xavy when you experience the following:
- You finish your sprint set and walk off the treadmill feeling okay. -pause- a minute later it catches up to you and you cant breathe tying your shoes.
- The display on your treadmill reads, "Exercise Not Advised" instead of your heart rate. No joke.
- The entire gym already knows that Xavy has you jetting around so they just let you to cut in on any of their workouts. Thats a big deal!
- One of the members of the gym looks at you helplessly and questions your trainer if he ever gives you a day off.
- You (and every one else) notice a river of sweat cascading down your cleavage.
- A 6 inch hop onto a step might as well be an Olympic event in itself.
- Pushups are done with weights. Really? Come on!
- As the feeling nausea subsides and your heart rate falls below 180 for the first time in an hour, you feel so proud of yourself for finishing. You stop hating him long enough to thank him for putting up with you and getting you through it.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Warrior Week
This morning I started off on a level 12 incline on the treadmill for 45 minutes and that was just the first workout of the day. I am starting to really get nervous about training tonight. Excited, but nervous. W.T.F. is a Shoulder Press Combo with Knee Raise Combo??? I guess I gotta channel that warrior spirit a bit earlier then I anticipated. Oh how I wish I had my caffeine today. Crap! lol
This afternoon, I found the results from last years Warrior Dash. You already know me well enough to know that a new goal is coming. Hmmm
On a side note...
Congrats to one of my dearest friends, Holly. This weekend she joined my gym and is going kick her transformation up a notch. I am so proud to be an inspiration. Rock it Holly!!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Family first
Sunday morning... I am beat and I have another whole day ahead of me.
This weekend, my efforts in the gym were put to a different kind of test. Perhaps the best one. Helping family move. Holy Hanna I am sore today!!!
Friday night I helped my sister-in-law move. When I got there, I found that she counted on me to do the "heavy lifting". Ya know, I kinda felt like a badass ;). On Saturday, I woke up and packed my meals so I stayed on track all morning. Go me! Midway through the day, I skipped out to go train. (I am pretty sure that has a lot to do with me walking like a horse today.) Going back move, I picked up Chipotle to eat so I was not tempted by the pizza, cheese fries and regular coke at the new place. Again...Go me! The wives were in the house doing odds and ends, grabbing filler stuff in the truck and playing with the baby. The men are moving the boxes and furniture. MOMENT OF TRUTH.... I ran down to the truck to help the guys. Not only did I help, I was useful. I kept up and again, my inner badass was doing a cheer. I was of course exhausted but I had the stamina, strength and endurance to move not only my ass up and down steps all day but the living room set as well.
Today is Mother's Day. I am skipping brunch in order to stay on track with my meals today. Mmmmm but some bacon is sounding really good right now. Haha. This afternoon, I plan on making dinner for the family or at least my mom so that I can keep this momentum going. Half the battle of eating clean and on plan is exactly that.... having a plan.
A very Happy Birthday to my little brother Luke who turns 30 today. In two weeks, I will see him for the first time since I think last Mothers Day. The plan is to go Rock Climbing. How fun, right?
Well, I am off to Bed Bath and Beyond to get myself a juicer. Yup, I am hoping on that bandwagon. ;)
Happy Mothers Day.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Made goal-again
Last year when I finished the Warrior Dash, I set a goal for myself. Sure, I finished the race. I was not even in last place, but... I knew that setting a goal was my own way out not settling.
I walked/trotted/somethinged the Warrior Dash last year at about 215-220lbs. When I set a goal of 170's for this year, it seemed like a reach. Something to strive for, but a reach none the less. This morning was my third consecutive day on the scale at 179. Oh yes... the smell of sweet relief-and panic. About 4 weeks ago I was 178 and jumped up as high as 185. Even with the inches melting away, the scale was all over the place. I was disappointed and part of me worries it will fluctuate a bit still but... all I can do is put in the work trust in Xavy and in the process. The scale is freaking evil. I do not see many more "poundage" goals in my future. I'm thinking that I have finally learned that measurements and body fat are the answer.
Nothing beats trusting in someone enough to let go of the reins completely. We do it all the time in martial arts. I lock myself in a room in with some of the most lethal men in Baltimore City trusting that I may sweat, cry or walk out with a bruise but... it was all done by people that want the best for me. Odd concept huh? Xavy has been on my ass like a big dog this last week an a half. Cardio in the mornings, changing my diet, upping my reps, measuring, checking in and following up. I decided long ago to trust him. He types it up, I follow it. He yells it, I drop the F* bomb and do it. He knows his sh!t and produces nothing but sweat and results. When this man takes you on as his client, you might as well clean up your spare bedroom because he is moving in.
8 days until the Warrior Dash.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Go team!
I am stealing this from a post on Facebook from my friend and sista' client, Lynn Nebel.
Congratulation!!! Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Bitter sweet...
This morning was bitter sweet. I jumped out of bed at 5:50 a.m. to find out that my knees would barely support me. My right knee was easily the size of a softball. Uhhh, what a bummer, I don't even like softball. I know that it is all of these injections are for the greater good. I am going to look at today as my little gym vacation day. Let's celebrate!!! Who's bringin' the Aspercream and IcePacks??? Once I got up and got myself together for work, I stepped on the scale. I know, I know, hush! In my defense, for the last 2 days I've been feel leaner all over. I told Xavy that I felt confident enough to do it. I am so glad I did. Down about 3lbs. from last week. (Remember, I put on 3 in the last few weeks). That was so good to see. I would have had quite a little pep-in-my-step if it was not for the above noted softball knees. haha.
With the extra time in my morning, I made myself a yummy lunch. I minced cauliflower and added it to hard boiled eggs. Tossed in a dash of yellow mustard, some diced onion and a tablespoon of part-skim ricotta cheese. Bam!!! Egg Salad a la Xavy. (Veggies & protein). Somehow, I will find an effective way to post some of these made up recipes for us all to share.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Excuses, excuses...
- I understand that one cookie will not kill me, but thank you for offering.
- No thank you, I am sure it tastes wonderful but I would rather not.
- No, I can not miss just 1 training session.
- Yes, my meal plan is a sacrifice but I am worth it.
Give it a shot...
As I sit in the Orthopedic Specialists office waiting for my last round of Synvisc injections, I am texting with Kelly. If you have been following my blogs, you know that means there is sweat in my very near future. Haha. After a mention of CrossFit, she's got me intrigued!!! I am giving it some serious thought. Wow, when she started, I thought she was insane. I never even considered going to watch. She sure knows how to inspire me. I am so lucky to have surrounded myself with such amazing people.
Still in the waiting room....
These shots are a pain in the ass. (Well, not literally.). They are though, my super power and secret weapons. Haha. The last 2 rounds took 6 days for me to feel up to par. 2 down, 1 to go and then I am sitting pretty for six months.
They are calling my name!
Later -Lori :)
Monday, May 7, 2012
I am starting this blog entry at 7:42 a.m.. I've been up, showered, to the gym and have had breakfast. Making week 9 my b!#€h. Lol
The scale has haulted but the inches keep melting away. Time to kick it up a notch. Rather then being upset I've hit a plateau, I am embracing it. Turning away from the scale and focusing on measurements, body fat and photos. This has given me a bit of perspective and a has kept me from taking it too hard. From 17 years of relying on the scale, it was very hard to understand how it not budging was not a failure on my part.
This week-we show the scale who is boss. My routine is changing again. Cardio-splits, Carb-cycling, Week 9's plan and what ever else Xavy throws at me.
Good bye scale, see you next week!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Boot Camp Survival Story
I completed a .25mile run/trot yesterday. The very first time I did a .25mile run was in the gym with Xavy, TWO WEEKS AGO. With him next to me yesterday, I could not stop. Pride is amazing as a motivational tool. I finished and was so excited, until Kelly said that our FIRST workout would be an additional timed mile. Bitch! I can call her that, it's my blog! I did it... it was not pretty but I finished it and great my best time by nearly 2 min. Just over a 12 min. mile. *happy dance*
After, we did a series of other hellish timed workouts. I didn't have a an actual goal in mind other then not letting myself fall more then 1 round behind Xavy. (Yes, if you can manage it...behind is not a bad view.) Squats, push-ups, jumping jacks and sit ups. I nearly tossed my cookies (Greek yogurt and almonds), but I did it. I came in only a half round behind him. Please explain why it ever crossed my mind to try and keep up with a lean, muscular, former military, body builder? Some one smack me.
I also MUST give a shout out to another shared client of theirs. Ms. Lynn Nebel. First, I appreciate her not hurting me when she found out I invited her trainer. Secondly, she finished that mile off HARD CORE! And hates running more then I do and she killed that last .25mile. Awesome.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...
My best friend Kelly, and a woman that I attribute so much of my success to, runs a series of Boot Camps that I toss into the mix. Why just toss in? Because, she is a freaking beast! Burpee's (we know how I hate them), pushing cars, inch worms and loads of other insane workouts. Haha. I have not done one of her Boot Camps in a few month which means I am in for it!!!
The test...
This will be the first Boot Camp since I have been training with the amazing and adorable, Mr. Xavier Ramirez. I am really excited and nervous to see how I have progressed with my endurance. This is also going to help me gauge where I am physically for the Warrior Dash in 2 weeks.
Wish me luck!
Friday, May 4, 2012
A journey of a 1000 miles...
A journey of a 1000 miles starts when a dear friend peer pressures you into a challenge knowing full well you can't say no. Thanks Kelly!
The dreaded 100 Burpee Challenge.
Initially I said I was not going to touch it with a 10ft pole. More accurately I said a few choice words to show my reluctance.
Problem #1.... Oh yea, I have enough to start a list.... the name. Just makes me wanna puke.
So here I am on Day #4
·Proud I have not puked.
·Excited that I have the support of other friends doing it.
·Proud that I am tackling another thing on my list of "things I thought I was too fat for."
Are you in??? Pretty please, with sugar -I mean agave nectar- on top? Let me know, we can do it together.
I would also love if we could get some comments on here about exactly why we hate Burpee's.
Lettin' it all hang out
- Weight: Approx 178-185lbs
- Body Fat: 32.5
- BMI: 30.6
In the beginning-ish.
Lori and Luke |
I grew up rough and tough in Baltimore City. My family was not well off and as far as food, we often were dependent on what we could afford rather then what was most nutritionally balanced. My mom has struggled with weight issues all of her life. In fact, I think my brother Luke is the only one without a weight issue. As an adult, I was guilty of hitting up the taco bell drive-thru for the $0.89 meal because it was cheaper then anything I would find at the grocery store for dinner. I know it, you know it! It is the reality of our current society. Lower income families fall victim to this on a daily basis. If that is how you ate as a child, that is how you will eat as a grown up. Before you know it, you are feeding your own children a McDonalds Kid's Meal assuming that now that there are those 4 slices of apples in the box, that it can be considered as, "Health Food". Bull! never know until you know. For 30years, I didn't know.
Like any good old American family, we had issues. Wait... Issues with a capital "I". Dr. Oz and Oprah always say that some times your addiction to food is because of this or that event in your life. I always thought that was a bit of a crock. Yeah, I was over weight- no- clinically morbidly obese. Yeah, I had some drama growing up. It was not until recently that I was able to understand that 1 + 1 = 2. Recently meaning like... last week. Here I am, 82lbs down in my journey staying on track for my 7th week in a row and I get a phone call from an ex-boyfriend. I hang up, annoyed and frustrated. I gave up 7 weeks of success for a half a jar of Nutella. W.T.F.? Duh... 1+1=2. Thankfully, during this process most recently, I have sought the help of several trusted friends and a therapist who have helped me notice these things before a 1/2 jar of Nutella turns into 12 jugs of Ice Cream.
In the other beginning...
I suppose that it is easier to throw out the facts and let you paint the picture.
- Starting Stats: 5'4" and 258lbs. Could I have been heavier? Oh Yea, would I have gotten on a scale to find out-NOPE!
And these were taken after I had started to lose weight already!!! Yikes. |
In 2009, I found myself getting the "itch" to want to turn my life around. I had tried Adkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Personal Trainers and none of which really "stuck". I would do great for a while but sooner or later, I would wake up having put all that weight on. Plus interest. I wanted to get out of the house and do something for myself. Fad diets were not the answer. My very first step was to return to my roots. I got back into martial arts. I loved it but very quickly, I found that my knees were not as excited as my heart. I was not even 30 years old and I found myself in an Orthopedic Specialist office considering knee replacement. As I walked out of the office, I glanced down and my paperwork and on it was a box that changed my life. Reason/Diagnosis: Obesity. I teared up and called my mom. I was so upset. I allowed myself to think that the "reason" was because I injured it in karate. Seeing on paper in black and white that I was OBESE with no other description to use as an excuse a reality check.
It was now or never...
My boss said in passing that she was going to do her first half marathon. I nervously laughed and said... "I am going to do one by the time I am 30!". Thinking to myself, I said..."CRAP! I am 28 and the marathon is in October!! That means if I am going to do it... I have to do THIS one." So... I did it. I signed myself up for the Baltimore Running Festival. My motivation was the sticker. Oh you know the one.
In the weeks leading up to the race, I told everyone I knew about it. Talk about accountability. Every where I went, someone was asking about my training progress. (Gee... wish I would have started training. Actually, I wish I would have started with a 5k.) I knew enough about myself to know that I needed to put myself in a position where I HAD to get up and go. I depended on dear ol' momma for that one. I spent the night at her house knowing that she would make sure I would get my butt out of bed and in the car. While getting ready, I kept catching glances of my mom with a proud look on her face. She was proud. She was proud of me. If I finished 1 mile or 13.1, my mom was proud of my effort. I kept my cell phone on me to call her at mile 5 to let her know if I was going to need rescuing or not. I called her at mile 5 and stayed on the phone passing the 6mile mark. After the 7th mile, I was already over the half way point. I WAS GOING TO FINISH! By mile 10, I started to jog every other street. I was not only going to finish, I was not going to be last. The medics were like vultures picking off the weak by mile 12. I stayed strong and finished with a sprint-ish. On the other side of that finish line was a whole new life. I did it! That day, I vowed to KEEP doing it.
Within a few months of crossing that finish line, I had completed my first mud run, signed up for rock climbing, bought bicycle, signed up at a new gym, registered for a mini triathlon and took on a personal trainer. Wow, go big or go home right? That became my new mantra.