Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Misery Loves Company

Pardon the rant but I know that many of you can relate.

Can I tell you how annoying it is to listen to friends of mine tell me that what I am doing is obsessive or that it is just  a phase?  Go pick on someone your own size (pun intended). 

To the average person, killing it for the Warrior Dash the way that I am now is just insane.  Guess what, it is insane for me too.  It is not easy work and the tangible rewards are seriously not worth the fight.  I will get a tiny piece of metal on a muddy ribbon and spend the rest of the day in the shower bitching about all the mud. I won't get 5 minutes of fame on T.V., I will not get a cash reward, I will not get any thing out of it but a goal met and exceeded. People work different ways.  This journey has taken me two years and I have found a method that works.  I set a goal, I smash it, I move on. That method may not work for you but, guess what?  I am not you. My goals are different then any other person whether they are on the Warrior Battleground or on the couch eating ice-cream that day.

Two weeks ago, someone told me that they would rather be fat then miserable.  I hesitated putting this on my blog but people with that mindset, probably are not interested in my journey.  Miserable? Obviously you have not seen me flexing in the mirror or getting all giddy when Xavy tells me my shoulders are getting, "ridonculous".   Surely you have not seen the little dance I do when I try on pants/shirts/bra's and realize that they are way smaller then they were 2 days ago.  I am transforming my life one day at a time. I am no longer allowing anyone to make me feel guilty because our priorities and goals are different. I mean, really?  My 2 hours in the gym is not any more insane then someones 2 hours watching T.V..  My quest for healthy food at a party is no more obnoxious then their quest to beat everyone to the dessert tray.

To anyone reading this blog that is not an evil naysayer, you CAN do it. You do not have to get up off the couch today and do the 100 Burpee Challenge tomorrow.  It, like anything else, is a process. Start some where. Anywhere.  Just start. Listen to yourself and the positive influences in your life and surround yourself with greatness.   That is why I look up to Kelly, Xavy and Tracie.  They know how to get where I want to be. 


  1. Hey! Stumbled upon your blog through Kelly and love your positive outlook! I can totally relate to this post because many people will say I'm crazy for spending so much time working out as if I'm being too selfish. But those comments usually come from the people who are too scared to get off the couch and try.

    1. I am so happy you stumbled over. please kick up your feet and enjoy :)

      Yes, losing what you had hope were going to be supporters is so very hard and I am finding out so very common. I will be a be a new supportive friend!

      Nice e-meeting you :)
