Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Shake it like a Polariod Picture

Take Pictures!

I can not stress to you how many times a simple picture has saved Xavy's neck.  Here I am at week 10 and I weigh about the same as I did in week 4.  The difference you ask? Inches!!! I have been keeping a little photo log on and let me tell you, I am so glad that I have.

I found a spot in my house in front of the mirror and have been taking a photo in the same two poses in the same place every 2 weeks.  The first day I took the photo, I nearly cried. I was already 75lbs down and I still looked like a marshmallow cream puff. I was very shy to show it to Kelly and Xavy but I knew it had to be done. I had to get real about it.  Spanx and Compression pants can't hide me forever, right? (Plus, I needed the reality check that just because they make bikini's in size 14 does not mean I should wear them.)

*Can I just stop for a moment and give a shout out to Kelly's partner and Xavy's wife?  Saint's I'll tell ya, Saint's.   You both put up with so much in order to allow them to give us clients the attention we need.

So back to the half naked photos I am knowingly putting on the internet...

For the most part, I wake up every day feeling or seeing something different in/on my body.  A new muscle group, a new shadow of a body part shrinking, a new jiggle of something or other and my personal favorite... Hip Bones!!!  Even though I feel it, I am not going to lie.  I want to SEE it.  I want to see my body the way everyone else does.  These pictures have gotten me through some pretty tough times in this process and have also fueled me to plow through and stay the course.

This morning I took my week 10 photos and just about had a cow.  (wait, a very skinny cow.)  This week I have seen the most difference then I have during any other 2 week increment.  I had a "fat" week last week so I was a little reluctant to take the photos.  I am so glad I did.

If you are interested in seeing my photos, please send me a comment and an email address.  I have no problem sharing them. The good, the bad and the jiggly.  :)


  1. You know I want to see them!!! I also think that I should start taking them so I am interested in knowing the poses. I feel stronger but everytime I look in the mirror all I see is a big ole' fat stomach! So I am thinking the picture thing might be beneficial to me during my process ....

    I totally second, the spouses of Xavy and Kelly ... they ROCK ... they spend so much time helping us along our journey!

    1. Send me your e-mail address Lynn, I will forward them to you.

      Yea, they rock! :)
