Vacation has come to an end. As much as I wish that I was still on the ocean. I am very happy to be home. I am back to the land of meal plans, workout routines, blogging and back to where saying "It's 5 O'Clock somewhere." is not socially acceptable. Admittedly, the first thing I did when I walked into my house was to hop on the scale. I know, I know!!! I think though if your expectations are realistic, it is okay. I am pretty glad that I did. I had a loss or at minimum had stayed the same. IT CAN BE DONE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!!! haha. This small victory makes my vacation memories much better. I can reflect on all of the fun without any guilt or worry about playing catch-up.
Now... I need to go grocery shopping.
Where's the like button! Congrats doesn't it feel great to come back from a vacation or long weekend and not have gained 5 or 10 pounds!!