Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fat is Contagious

Through the years, my friends have changed. Some came and went by choice, others of us just drifted apart because our lives headed in different directions.  This is a conversation that my ever so pithy Uncle and I just had last week. It is the nature of life and evolution of ourselves. When my friends were couch potatoes, I was.  When my friends were big shots on martial arts, I was.  When my friends all had coach purses, I did. We all follow suit with our friends. You make friends by finding a common ground first. Then comes mutual respect.  If my bestie told me I looked great in an outfit, I thought I did.  Simple. We all have friends, we know how this works.  With that being said... the obvious conclusion is that if you want to change your life, you have to either make sure your friends support you without question and encourage you, or go find new ones.  That doesn't have to mean ditch the old ones. Maybe for you it does.  That is your choice and it will be understood by those that care about you. If they don't understand, well, you just proved your point.
I know I've blogged about this a few other times but this beast seems to keep showing its face.  It is HARD! I know I am not the only one going through it.
To my girlfriends who say that I have changed, damn right I have.  To my friends who have little Wii Mii avatar (little jerk), that them that they are obese....news flash-you need help!  To the girls that think I am only lifting weights because Xavy and Kelly do...hmmmm yep! Have you seen either of those bodies? Do you blame me?  That goes for relationships too ladies and gents. My last ex told me that he liked me better bigger. That I didn't need to lose weight. He loved me the way I was.  Looking back-his issues were as jacked up as my number on the scale.  I was morbidily obese and plagued with joint pain. How the fuzz could someone who loved me not try to help. Encourage me at the very least.  I was so blinded by being accepted for my weight that I didn't see what's in front of me.  
I have a very few of my "old Lori" friends left.  The ones I have kept are just Awesome with a capital "A".  The rest, who I hope are reading this... I promise to find time to help. I promise to be a gym buddy if you need one. I promise to work with you instead of against you.  In this journey, you NEED friends. I will be one when you are ready. Until then....hush it.
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