Thursday, August 30, 2012

Heads up-or down

Training with Xavy, you better plan on kicking your inner Beast Mode into high gear.  Take your 1 max rep weight, add 40 lbs more, then you lift it up and down... 20 times each....arm.

Training with Donny, (the CrossFit dude), your going to take the weights you used with Xavy and hop over them. Spin on your head and alternate that with high speed one legged jumping jacks...or something equally as insane, probably unnecessary and annoyingly hot.

Both in one week????  Needless to say, I am hearing that I could quite possibly be OVERTRAINING?!?!  Ya think?  But I am loving it so is it really so bad? It's not like I am in competition mode. Yet. 

We all heard/read my blog post about CrossFit with Kelly.  It was one of those things that I never thought I would do, could do and then did it. When our gym started (Ghetto) CrossFit this week, I was all about giving it one more try. Of course I pick the day that we have to stand on our heads and do push-ups like 90 times. No, really... that's what we had to do.  That was only 1/3rd of the W.O.D. though.  It may have only been a fraction of the workout, but to me, it was the scariest.  From training with the X man, I have learned that there is nothing strength related that can get past me.  So it wasn't the actual push-up part that scared me, it was the whole.... looking like a fool, upside down and possibly breaking my neck part.  Yea, laugh. In my family, neck breaking is all too close to home.  That shit really happens!  Uncle Pat always had to be the center of attention didn't he? Haha.  So annnnnny way... I started the day off knowing that I would give it a try with someone I knew that I could to capture it on camera for proof.  I went to the information Mecca for guidance, YouTube.  With a few modification examples readily available on my phone, I was on my way to the gym.

W.O.D. (Workout of the Day)
30 sets for time

5 Wall Balls
3 Handstand push-ups
1 Clean Press

-Wall Balls, with a medicine ball.  Not so bad.  For the first 75 anyway.  I wasn't loving the whole squat part but it was doable.
-Clean Press, as soon as I saw a barbell, I knew I was golden. EASY! 
-Handstand Push-ups, #+@$&!!!!! I set my feet up about 4 feet onto a shelf of cubbie, assumed the pike position and went for 3. Holy Hanna!  You NEED to breathe when you do those.  If not, walking to the next workout you have to dodge stars floating around your head.

I kept up with Mighty Mouse and his kid sister the whole time.  If you have ever met Donny, you know what I mean.  You can't miss him, unless you blink. I think maybe they were as shocked as I was that I was keeping up.  I give Xavy and Kelly credit, I owe my strength and endurance to both of them. *muah*. 

When it was all said and done, Jen, with camera in hand helped me get into my very first handstand.  I mean like first...ever!  After a few tries and belly laughing, I did it!  I held it long enough for the photo and to be honest, we all know that's really all that matters.  On my last try, I did a bit of a shrug that if in slow motion, would resemble a push-up.  Goal: achieved! Being a good sister-in-law, she even video taped the whole process to humiliate me.  Apparently that's going up on the private blog.  Thank goodness!

So one day's W.O.D. down, only 364 more to go.   Tomorrow is 3 rounds of an 800meter run. Hmm... I might accidentally forget to make it tomorrow!!!!  This girl doesn't run unless she is being chased.

Teaching Moment

Momma Mud is at it again with yet a new life lesson. 

I spent 12 weeks in the 180's but my clothing sizes is where I saw the real results.  On the complete other hand, I spent like 12 days in the 170's.  Of course that means that for the most part, I stayed the same size. Go figure.  Scale/Measuring Tape... can't we all just get along?  Currently in the upper (details have been changed to protect the innocent) 160's, I had-just had-to get some new clothes. Sooner or later it was all going to catch up again, right?

Last Thursday, I treated myself to a bit of an Old Navy shopping spree so that I had clothes that fit.  At a now confirmed size 10, no wonder my 14's were feeling a bit hobo-ish.  I got 5 workout shirts, 3 pair of workout pants and a pair if jeans.  Last night, I took 2 (shirt/pants) back for a smaller size. Within a week, I had dropped a full clothing size with that particular style.  All I can say is that I am happy that I kept the tags on. 

Leave the tags on!  We are not working this hellious program to maintain or gain, so why just snip the tags so fast?  I'm thinking it might just become a new challenge.
I don't care how good it feels to tell your trainer or gym buddy that you lost weight. It feels 12x better to tell the lady at the register that checked you out the week before that you need a smaller size. She probably had no clue who I was, but in the Lifetime Movie of my life, she is proud and breakdancing for me.

-tops...size medium
-jeans...size 10
-pants...size large
See that.... not an "x" to be found!  (previously an xxxl)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I do enjoy my workouts but with my newfound strength and endurance, I also love pushing the limits and mixing it up once in a while.  

I dis get to CrossFit in Ocean City with Kelly. It was tough but I had a good time.  I was very proud that I had finally added that to my list of, "can do's".  Here at home, the price of CrossFit is way out of my budget.  When I got home, it just ended up on a whole new list.  A list of things to do when I hit the lottery. (Or build a great training client base).

Today, I got an email from my boss at the gym asking me to help out bringing CrossFit to our gym.  This is an opportunity being handed right to me and you better believe that I am going to take advantage of it.  Watch out, Kelly!  I am right behind you.

I am not sure if I am more excited about the training or being able to use the words, "jerk" or "snatch" on a regular basis and still maintain my dignity ;)

"Throw Down" kinda day!

I don't know about you, but this is most definitely me in the gym.

I know when to doll up and when to throw down.  In the gym, you won't catch me wearing lip gloss, fresh makeup or matching workout wear.  Personally, I feel like if someone could possibly call me "girly" while watching me train, then I am not training hard enough.   The worse my day is, the harder train.  Today is most certainly a "Throw Down" kinda day!


Monday, August 27, 2012

Pyramid Schemes

It's been said that Pyramid Schemes in general are bad news.  When I saw one pop up on my new training plan this week, I should have been more prepared.  So, if someone sees Xavy today... please smack him.  I would do it myself but I am not sure I can lift my arms.  I know he is proud of my shoulders and traps but adding a 12/10/8/6 pyramid scheme with shrugs is just ri-dic-u-lous!

But they look great all pumped up! :)

Bigger the Better

On Saturday, I took myself on a date.  Nothing like being the smallest person in the room to boost your ego about your weight. lol

My opinion of bodybuilders has made a complete turn around this year.  If you would have pointed out a body builder and asked me what I thought a year ago, it would not have been a polite answer.  (I will be saving the details since a lot of my new friends are bodybuilders.).  Dropping fat is one thing, toning your muscles is another but building... oh that is a whole different ball game.  I have been busting my ass in the gym for hours and hours a week and seeing serious definition but my now famous trapz wouldn't even bleep on the radar at a bodybuilding competition.

Saturday, I had the opportunity to meet a whole slew of people from the "cool kids table" at a local Bodybuilding Competition.  I was standing alone in line when a guy spotted me and waved for me to come over to him.  He knew me?!?!  Turns out that he knew my back.  I had posted a few photos of my new muscles and he recognized me.  How freaking cool is that?  In fact, to another group of people, that is how I was recognized...."The girl with the back.".  So funny!

Outside of the creepy dude sitting next to me that kept giving me the serial killer stare, everyone  was so great.  I am humbled to be in the presence of some of these individuals.  What is better is that the bigger that they are, the smaller I look.  You can't argue with that!

I hate to name drop but.... I just gotta.

The banner above the stage read, "Jay Cutler Classic".  I knew he was a big deal but I had no clue who he was.  Thank goodness for Wikipedia! I should have known that he was the big dude that everyone was crowding around. Hundreds of people flocked to get their photos taken with him so you know I had to squeeze myself in there too. :)  Too bad it was 112 degrees in the building, my hair never stood a chance!

Jay Cutler
His biceps are literally the size of my torso.  Wow.  (and he has better hair!)

I have to say, I wish I knew this woman's name.  On stage, she was on competitor that most closely resembled my physique.  Well, the physique that I imagine is under there some where.  

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Carbo Loading

I have not done nearly enough to warrant the amount of carbs I have invested today. Lol. Thank goodness its still early. Uhh... off track and its not even noon.


Friday, August 24, 2012

I've got this...

I want to give you the opportunity to share among the Motivated by Mud followers.

I've got this, and so do you!   

I know better then anyone about the power of accountability and support. My blog has helped me get through the highs and lows of this journey. The more that I do it, the more that I think that it is an imperative part of the process. Sure, Social Networks are great, but sometimes it's just not the best platform to be flashing my flab. On my blog, peek at your own risk. If I am proud of it, I am posting it.

Please send me an email if you are interested in accessing that area. I will personally monitor the posts for our safety. If I happen to miss an inappropriate post or member, please feel free to let me know.  Check out the link in the upper left and please be patient as I work out the kinks! 

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I can't stop looking in the mirror. 

Seriously, my upper body is getting insane and I have not even STARTED training for the competition. Someone is really going to have to ban me from the camera soon. 

Mind blown

Oh yea, this just happened!
Size 24 to a 10, I am speechless.

The inner circle

This morning, I opened my Facebook to find that I have moved into the "inner circle".  I have made some new friends and become part of a community that I once looked at as the "big kids".  It's the team created by Xavy's trainer, Brandon.  It's a Facebook Group of some of the biggest and baddest of them all.  When Xavy became part of the group, I looked at him in awe.  It might as well have been the cool table in the high school lunch room.

After a few hardcore workouts and some photos in the mirror after, I thought... "You know what, I train as hard as they do, what do I have to lose?".  I have out lifted and/or blown the minds of  some of the guys in the gym lately, but was it enough?  It took a really long time to earn my keep in the free weight area of my own gym with just averaged dudes. What the heck was I getting myself into? Was I setting myself up for disappointment?  With a click of a button, the request was sent.  Within minutes, guess what?  My request was approved.

*Pulling up a chair on the end of the cool table.*

It took me a few days to post and when I did, I got comments and "likes" as if I belonged there all along. I don't give myself enough credit some times.  It's not the number on the scale that matters.  It is the hours of effort, the beads of sweat and comradere that comes when a group of people that support each others goals.

Thank you Brandon, Alicia and Xavy for making me a part of something. 

Today, I flexed in the mirror and hopped on the scale while my dozen of eggs were boiling.  I packed my meals and plotted out my day in order to make sure that I could make my workout a priority.  Sitting here at my desk thinking about it, I don't even recognize myself.  I am making it and holding my own.  Training hard and staying on track every day is taking me places that I never thought I would go.  A lifestyle that I thought was unrealistic and out of reach is now my only way of life.  Wow... just wow! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm bringing sexy back

I think it's safe to say that my workouts are pretty well rounded.  Even I think that my back is getting sexy. Well, if you like that sorta thing.

It's funny because one of the biggest excuses that I hear women say if they have more then 20+ pounds to lose is almost always the same. They say that they will be "flabby" with a ton of loose skin.  Hate to burst their bubble but it's just an excuse and I am calling them on it right now.


The day after Monday
My Sister-in-law's birthday
Day 1 on my newest meal plan
The first day of my new workout plan
Three days after the funeral of my biggest fan

Every day brings a new start.  Every 24 hours, I get a chance to out-do yesterday.   I have to say, that's a pretty good deal. 

I weighed in this morning at 166.  It was not too long ago that I looked down and the number ready 258.  That just seems so crazy.  When I set my goal at 160, I really was not sure that I could do it.    My original plan was to hit it by Xavy's competition.  Not for any good reason other then to not have to photoshop my rolls out of all photos afterwards. lol.  Here I am, 6 pounds away with 2 months to spare. That does not by any means put me in the clear.  It took me 3 months to get out of the 180's, remember?  How could you forget? I bitched about it every day.

I got my new meal plan and workout plan today and it seems that Xavy has tightened the reins a little bit. The biggest changes in my workout will come with me working out alone.  It has been months since I have trained on my own and I gave it a test run this weekend.  I got some phone numbers from a couple hot guys. Didn't see that coming.  I'm thinking that it had more to do with not having some beef-cake attached to my hip then it had to do with my weight.  Apparently that makes girls less approachable. lol.  Go figure.  I am going to miss having a built in spotter during my workout.  As clumsy as I am, it makes me a little nervous. I suppose like all other things, I will make it work. The meal plan, well... I am a little bitter about that.  He seems to have gotten some bug up his ass to take away everything that makes this whole process worth doing.  First he makes me workout on my own getting rid of the eye-candy, then his little ass takes away my peanut butter.  I am really really upset about that one.   He did assure me that it will come back in the future but I am not sure if he really is planning it or he anticipates me kicking his ass.

This morning, the only thing that made these changes bearable was what I saw in the mirror.  I found some ab's,  I was starting to see them peek out a few weeks ago but today they are there.  From the looks of it, I have at least 4 that have unpacked and are here to stay.  It is really neat to feel them and be able to see (and touch) the physique that is coming through.  It is starting to become a reality and its no longer as far away as I once thought.

This afternoon, I updated my profile on a trusty dating website.  The rock-climber guy that I met on Friday was indeed a hottie and we had two great dates but ehhh... I'm not seeing it going any where.  The cool thing about updating my profile was that where it gave me the option to specify myself physically, I changed it from "Curvy" to "Fit".  There was nothing in between but I would concider myself much more on the fit end of the spectrum these days.  Hey, what do I have to lose?  One guy that described himself as "Jacked" and had smaller triceps then I did. lol

AB-solutely awesome!!!

Look at what I woke up to this morning!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Things here are going pretty okay.  I have been running non stop since my last post and I don't see me slowing down just yet.
This afternoon was the viewing for my Uncle Pat. Meal wise I did pretty darn well.  It's not my fault if the server forgets the "light mayo" part of my order. I just didn't have the strength to nix it all together. I did however leave the side of chips on my dish. Go Me!!!!  My cousin Lori, (yep, we are both Lori's. How lucky is our family?) taught me a nifty new trick.  When the server came out with the loaf of bread for the table, she asked her to take it back.  Let me say that again... she asked her to take the free loaf of fresh warm bread away.  Now that is one strong woman. 
This morning, my waking thought was my next workout. I had 3 hours before I had to be back for the viewing. I went online, googled local gyms, downloaded a free 7day guest pass and was on my way. You better believe that I had a pair of compression pants packed incase of an emergency.  I made that mistake training with Kelly the other day and I nearly hurt someone.  91lbs smaller and that junk in my trunk is still lethal.  I got a great workout in. I was lifting heavy, sweating hard and apparently causing some hottie to break neck. Oh la la.  (I hope to post more about that some time soon since we exchanged numbers.)  If nothing else, I made a new friend. That makes up for the other guy in the gym that walked away with his tail between his legs because I was lifting his weight.
During the course of the afternoon, one of the popular topics was this little blog.  I found out who at least 15 of my readers were.  None of which was my mom. One day I swear that I am going to strap her down and make her read it. I was so amazed at how many of you came to support me today. Thank you so much.  If not in person, I was flooded with texts and messages all day that meant just as much. 
Most of you have seen me in person or followed along enough to watch my progression but it was really neat to find just how many people did not recognize me.  People that I have know all of my life!  Some of them family.  Let me tell you, it is a good thing that the entrances were all French Doors.   I don't know if my head could have squeezed through otherwise.  Haha.  If my Uncle Pat was still alive, he would be showing off my traps to everyone in the room.  In a way, working out this morning was a tiny way to honor him.  The last few months, his favorite talks with me were the ones about my training. He was sorta living vicariously through Xavy and I. So, yes... of course I went sleeveless.  Inappropriate? Not for Uncle Pat.
Again, thank you all. The next time you are in the gym, look in the mirror and know that my Uncle Pat  is cheering you on too. Not only for your hard work, but for the support that you give me every single day.  He read my blog, he knew how big of a part of my process you all have become.
With that... I am off to bed.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

You grieve your way, I'll grieve mine.

If everything else about me has changed in this journey, then surely my grieving process has as well. Right?

As we do, Kelly and I (& Dorothea), join forces in a time of need and become BFF's on steroids. When I got the call about my Uncle Pat, one of the very first things that I did was to text Kelly.  "Kelly call me".  Three simple words.  That was all she needed to read to put her Super Friend costume on.  The backlight of my phone had not even blacked out before my phone was ringing.  I mean, when someone wants you to call instead of text, you know its gotta be big, right?  Kelly and Dorothea were in route to my Aunt's house before I had even packed my stuff up at work.  Immediately following his passing when the close family gathered, there was no question if it was appropriate for them to join us.  They are my people.  They are my family's people.

After a few moments of sullen pleasantries (sp), we had come to the conclusion that it was time we found something to eat.  Now, we know I am a stress/emotional eater.  Diet disaster was brewing.  All that I wanted was pizza but oh no no no, not on Kelly's watch.  At 9:30 p.m., they escorted me past Venice Pizza to the Double T Diner.  It didn't taste like pizza but an eggwhite and veggie omelet with a side of turkey bacon was just what the Personal Trainer ordered.  It is amazing how when you start off on the right foot, the rest just follows.  It all just starts with one step.  For breakfast, I made myself a huge plate of yummy-ness and still stayed right on plan.  (Note to self:  Lori, you owe your mother a dozen of eggs.).  When I put my plate in the sink, there was a weird feeling of relief.  I had done it!  I got through a time of crisis without chocolate or cheese.  That is what you call A-mazing.   Taking it day by day, meal by meal... it pays off and the results pop up in the most unexpected ways some times.   I learned today that I no longer fit in ANY of my mom's dresses.  They had always been an option for me in a pinch.  It made me do a little dance inside to hear Amy say... "Ummm she is way too skinny-minnie now for any of these.".  My dance quickly came to a halt when I realized that I needed to go $hopping.  

So food wise, I was good to go.  I had it under control.  14 hours later and I am just polishing off my last eggwhite.  I rock!  What about the heavy heart and sadness?  What was I to do with that?  This week has been an emotional roller coaster and I all wanted to do was go to my old standby.  Fight Club and Sex in the City movie marathon.  I needed a good angry cry.  As I was driving down 695 towards my couch, I got a text from Kelly.  She thought that hitting the gym would do me good.  The only second thought I had about that was whether I should use Mapquest or Google Maps to find her gym.  I am sure it was user error but I got lost anyhow.  She was absolutely right.  A good sweat and grunt was exactly what I needed.  (I know what you are thinking.  Dirty!  I thought it too but remember, I am single now.).  She even taught me some new stuff with the barbell.  I walked out of the gym feeling great!  So great in fact, that I managed to get Xavy to rearrange his evening in order to train with me a tiny bit.  Training again felt like another 150lbs of weight off of my shoulders.  Technically it was less then that but who is counting?  I am sure he could have done without the workout buddy on the verge of tears every set but he will survive. 

So my grieving process has changed in deed.  Far less calories in the bank at the end of the day thats for sure.  I just needed a little nudge in the right direction but knowing that now, I can keep on trucking.

Don't go thinking that Kelly was the only one in this story that saved the day.  The unsung heros are all of you who commented/called/text/messaged me with love and support.  To Jen and Holly, thank you for being at my fingertips with the constant check-ins and offers.  None of that goes unnoticed.  I am so thankful to have created this sorta circle of friends. 
Some sorta JerkSquat thingy that Kelly had me doing! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This blog has lately been littered with tidbits about physical strength. Don't worry, I have not forgotten about emotional strength. Oh bel-ieve me, I have not. 

My posts have been a bit on the dry side lately as I deal with some personal issues over here in Lori Land.  I've been contemplating blogging for the last few days but getting it out on paper (screen) makes things "real".  Much like my goals that I share, once I hit "POST", it's out there and there is no turning back.  That can be both good and bad. Okay, so with this lengthy intro  you are probably thinking... "Geesh, did someone die?"  Well....

This week, I am grieving the loss of my Uncle Pat, the loss of my post pull-up body (yep, I did one!), the breakup with a boyfriend, and the disappearance of my favorite new red and silver halter top.  Not necessarily in that order.  Let's just say that this week makes Xavy's Warrior Week look like a walk in the park. 

My Uncle Patrick passed away suddenly yesterday evening.  Many of you have followed his recovery from a spinal cord injury on Facebook.  Growing up with some less-then fathers, my uncle was THE only man in my life that never let me down.  Growing up, if Mom said "no", he gave me two.  If school mandated black leather shoes, he got me the most bad-ass Dr. Martin boots.  If I said I wanted to set a goal, he asked me about my progress EVERY time I saw him.  Uncle Pat was the first family member to know that I was going to train for a show or take the Personal Training exam.  He was so proud of me and made sure that I always knew it.  Because of my Uncle, I will always hold my head high knowing that I can be whatever I want and rest assured that I know all the secrets to surviving any drinking game.  He will be missed. So, so much.  Uhh... Where are the tissues?

The pull-up, ahhhh the Pull-Up.  I set my sites on doing a pull up a long long time ago.  Up until a few months ago, I didn't think that it was ever going to happen.  Surely not for a lack of trying.  I set a goal to do it by August 15th.  Today in the gym, I did it.  It was F-Ugly but Kelly said..."I will count that one."  With that being said.... I can do a pull-up.  Up next, 100 pull-up challenge.  Hey, it says you only need to do I've to start.  ;)

The moment you have all been patiently reading or skimming through for, the breakup.  Well, sorry about your luck. I won't be sharing the det's.  I don't kiss and tell.  Unless of course it's Bradley Cooper.  Then you better believe I'll be dishing alllllllll the dirty details. All that really needs to be said on that guy is that we are still great friends, and I am still a sexy beast. End of story.

The shirt.  When I had my first shopping spree at 70 lbs down, I went shopping for some new clothes that I didn't look like a hobo in.  After the comment from my Uncle Pat about my "Fu€& me traps".  I knew that the halter was the way to go.  Even Xavy had some awesomely inappropriate things to say about the new style.  I got a few of them and one in particular is my "goin' out" shirt.  Well... if you are following along, you will understand that I have some funeral occasions to attend and well, I am single!  Where the hell is that damn shirt?  Since I got it at 70lbs down, perhaps I should treat myself to a new one since last week I hit 90lbs down? Agree? Of course you do.  That's why I love you.

So... that's what's going on.  I actually feel better having finally sat down to blog.  What an awesome feeling you guys give me.  Simply awesome.

Good night!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Auntie Doy

A month old and already holding onto her binky for dear life. Let's cross our fingers that she escapes all of family weight issues. 

My brother and sister-in-law may want to start reading her my blog at bedtime.

Ellie Adams, my love!

Where's Waldo?

I have officially started to develop the chest of a female weight lifter.  I'll show you how you can tell.  Go ahead and look at my boobs and... oh, what's that? You can't find my boobs?   Yea! Now you know how to tell. Hahaha. I kept noticing the changes but it wasn't until I saw this picture that I was sure that my chest was just collateral damage.

Gettin' Crafty

11  that is the number of cookies that I had yesterday.
2    that is the number of slices of pineapple upside down cake I had on my way to get the cookies.

In my defense, I had a really sucky weekend.  Women+Stress=Calories.  

After yesterday, I needed to start today fresh.  I did work in 2 rounds of cardio yesterday to try and offset some of the damage but I think I only managed to burn about 4 cookies worth.  Mmmmm but they were good.  I am ultra on point today.  I packed nothing but the barebones of my meal plan.  No other swap outs.

This morning while I was making breakfast, I just wasn't feeling eggs.  Well, more specifically the taste of eggs.  I got a little crafty and splashed some cinnamon and vanilla extract in them.  Bam!  Kind of tasted like the gooey edges of french toast.  Then, I took a bite of my wheat bread and thought.... I bet you I can make a baked french toast and keep it true to my plan.  That is my goal for tonight.  I am going to play with some options and measurements and make some french toast for breakfast.  Wish me luck!!! 

Saturday, August 11, 2012


it's 12:11 a.m.,  Do you know where your gym shoes are?

I worked out this evening from 7-9, went home and hit the couch for some T.V. time. Now... back in the gym doing cardio. Am I crazy or dedicated?  I am not really sure at the moment.  All I know is that 40 minutes on the elliptical at midnight on a Friday is in fact as grueling as it sounds. Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! 

This new workout plan demands cardio everyday.  That's completely separate from my regular workout schedule. By separate, I mean it's on top of my regular workout.  I thought I didn't have the time for anything else before. Shew, now I have to squeeze this in. I suppose that I have two it or be satisfied knowing that I am only half-assing my plan. I've always said, go hard or go home, Right?

So, here I am.

I sure hope that I sleep well tonight!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Trapz don't lie...

My money makers, my most prized possession. Meet... my back muscles!
Of course you can't get a good look until halfway into the video. 

I always see all of these incredibly hot women with all of these awesome shots of their backs and muscles popping out all over the place.  I could not wait to be a part of  that club.  The other night when Xavy and I were training, he ran to go get his phone to take this little video to show me just how far along I have come. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And just like that...

Like all other days, even a bad one has to come to an end.

Yesterday started off a little rough for me but by the time I hit the gym last night, I was back to normal, with a little extra "beast" on top.

We trained at Planet Fitness last night.  Just a change up.  It was a much needed change of environment and change of scenery.  Some times it is good to switch it up all together. The machines and set up was a little different then I was used to but we settled in just fine.  Planet Fitness has a much more rugged and raw vibe to it.  At least this location.  Because of the "rough around the edges" feel, it felt appropriate to train dirty!  Absolutely beastly!  Xavy and I were getting some dirty looks.  Well, one look wasn't dirty in a "that" kinda way.  When we were doing dumbbell row's some dude was looking down my top at my used-to-be boobs the whole time.  Hey, gotta flaunt them while I still have them, right? 

On leg extensions, I made my previous max of 160 look like I was kicking marshmallows. I was literally 1 plate from the end of the stack.  ONE!  When we were doing rows, Xavy looked up and down the rack and SETTLED on the very heaviest dumbbells that the gym owned. Leg press, oh you know we had to dust off the bottom of that stack too.  On legs, I am actually no longer that far behind Xavy now.  He of course blows me away on the last set but up until then, I can pretty much keep up.  (lugging this ass up and down steps for 15 years made my legs s-t-r-o-n-g as I don't know what.)  I can not wait until I shed some more of this weight,  There is still a layer of Totinos Pizza Rolls and some jars of Nutella on top but underneath that fat.... freaking bombshell!  I know it sounds a bit conceited but I can feel it.  I can see stuff poking out all over the place.

I feel much better today having turned my day around and making up for it.  I also have to thank everyone for encouraging me yesterday and reminding me that a little slip is just that, a little slip.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, but do I make this shirt look FANTASTIC?

My sleeves are feeling a wee bit tight these days!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One of those days

Not every day is a walk in the park. Not every day do I have the strength to keep motivated as soon as my eyes open up in the morning.  Some times I just have to fake it till I make it. 

Last night I had things on my mind that kept me awake all night. That made it all to easy to skip cardio this morning. That really sucks because I has an awesome streak going.  Streak broken. Now, I sit here bummed out that I let myself down. For breakfast, after my eggs and oatmeal, I started to fall off the wagon.  A spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of cottage cheese.  Yea, not as bad as a slice if cake or pizza, but still not good.  Clearly it is "emotional eating". 
So what am I going to do about it? Pack my lunch and walk out of the kitchen. Blog to keep my hands busy and spend today re-evaluating things around me.  I've always preached about weeding out the negativity and only holding on to what makes you feel good about yourself.

Going to work with my meals packed, workouts clothes, shoes, a goal and my blog. 

Fake it till I make it, right?

Monday, August 6, 2012

90lbs down

Finally!!! I have lost 90 pounds.   (168lbs but shhhhh... don't tell anyone.)

I know, I know... It is not always important to rely on the numbers on the scale to determine your success.  It is however great to see it work in your favor.  Generally, I depend on my progress photos but this last set was less then impressive.  It meant a lot to me to have my efforts show up on the scale this time around.  It seems like that is the way my body is working lately.  Drop inches, maintain weight.  Then in 4 weeks, drop weight and maintain size.  Hmmm... let me bookmark this blog entry so that I can reread this the next time I am about to throw my camera through a window.

When I hit an my 80 pound loss, Xavy had me head to the rack to lift an 80 pound dumbbell.  I could barely lift it.  It was the single most shocking discovery of this whole process.  The ability to feel in your hands what you have achieved.  Wow!  Tonight, I plan on trying to do the same but while I am sitting here in my glory, I am going to google some comparisons for fun.

-Kate Middleton or  Demi Moore (post split with Ashton), duct taped to my ass.
Oh even better...
-one newborn calf

Here are some weight comparisons for you.  It is quite interesting and can be funny also. But, definitely gives ya some perspective.

1 pound = a Guinea Pig
1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
3 pounds = an average human brain
4 pounds = an ostrich egg
5 pounds = a Chihuahua
6 pounds = a human’s skin
7.5 pounds = an average newborn
8 pounds = a human head
10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
11 pounds = an average housecat
12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
16 pounds = a sperm whale’s brain
20 pounds = an automobile tire
23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
25 pounds = an average 2 year old
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
33 pounds = a cinder block
36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
50 pounds = a small bale of hay
55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
60 pounds = an elephant’s penis (yep, weights more than his heart!)
66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
70 pounds = an Irish Setter
77 pounds = a gold brick
80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
90 pounds = a newborn calf
100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
187 pounds = an average adult man
200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
300 pounds = an average football lineman
400 pounds = a Welsh pony

Friday, August 3, 2012

The "little" things

Today I browsing good ol' Facebook when I came across some pretty funny stuff.  We judge our progress by the scale and how deep of a breath or a squat we can do in our unintentional skinny jeans.  Sometimes it's really the small stuff that makes the difference.

Here are a few that were shared today:

·Shaving, this one was from me.  I used to dread shaving my legs. It took FOREVER!!!! Now, having lost nearly 90lbs.... its a sinch. I had a lot of surface area to cover. It was mowing a 20 acre farm with a push mower.  By the time I was done, I had to take a break and relather because I had broken a sweat.  Yea, that's why all the men I dated were in the Military.  I only needed to shave once a month.  By the time my thighs were getting a 5 o'clock shadow, leave was over and I was in the clear.

·Heather beat mine and she is too right. Painting your toenails. I was cracking up reading her comment about now much nicer her toes looked when she could bend over to paint them and breathe.

·Ms. Mommy's Downsizing had one goal that I can proudly relate to having just shopped at Victora Secret.  Her goal was to have PINK embroidered across her booty and with room to spare on each side.  So funny. 

(By the way... Mommy's Downsizing, what is your name? Lol )

Anyone else care to share? 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nutella or Doritos?

I just ate a handful of Doritos.  (First time in about 17-18 weeks).  Then, I washed them down with RedBull Zero.  Needless to say, I was eating cleaner BEFORE I took the "Eating Clean Challenge".  But... at least with the zero sugar and zero carb Redbull, I will have the energy to work off the Doritos.

Knowing that I can still enjoy one of the unhealthy foods that I love at some point each week will make the fact that I am on a new meal plan less of a punishment or a chore and more about living a new, healthy lifestyle that can still be fun. Getting depressed or lacking motivation to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan can cause you to stray off of your healthy lifestyle regimen. Even just taking one measly week off of your diet and exercise routine can undo a month's worth of work to lose weight and build endurance in your body. Rewarding yourself and not being so hard on yourself can help give you the focus and determination you need to succeed during the rest of the week.

So, I could have had a whole bag of Doritos. Hell, I could have had a jar of Nutella with it. It was my decision to take this cheat because I earned it all week. Instead, I am going moderately because I know that I can have another cheat next week. No biggy! What did I do with the rest of the bag of Doritos you ask? *Evil laugh* I gave them to my boss. Lol.

Disaster averted

... and the "Good Friend" award goes to, Lori Adams!!!!  

Clearly this man is not missing out on leg day. 
(Or any other day for that matter.)

Xavier Ramirez: 12 weeks out

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Day # 76 without Nutella. Just saying...

Cup Check

Xavy's adorable brother came to visit him last week and I was lucky enough not only to have met him but to have been able to train with him. It was then that I learned what the term, "cup check" was all about. I have never heard the term before last week.  What that refers to is a comment or action that someone uses to confirm someones gender.  Makes perfect sense I guess.

For the last few months, I have only trained next to Xavy.  I know what weights he lifts and how he trains so I set my goals based on him.  The free weight area to most of the females in the gym is like an uncharted island.  Maybe its the hot guys, maybe its the smelly guys, possibly it is the intimidation of the weights or even the mirrors.  Either way, there are only a few women that have been "man" enough to set foot on that side of the gym.  When Alicia was still training at our club, I had not yet made it to what I assumed her level was.  Talk about a beast in the gym.  That chick is solid!  I strive to be like her when I grow up.  That leaves me on the island of testosterone all alone now.  The good thing is that I really don't know what the "average" woman lifts on "average".  The bad thing is that I really don't know what the "average" woman lifts on "average".  haha.  All I can do is try to keep up with my peers, regardless of gender.   My training partner happens to be a male bodybuilder.  What does that mean?  I life heavy as $hit every single day. No where near as heavy he does but not so far away either.  When I started this journey, I had not given the amount of weight that I lift or the appearance of my muscles any thought.  I just wanted a smaller ass. I didn't have any clue how naturally as strong I was.  Xavy said a few times in awe that I was lifting dude weight, but part of me thought he was just encouraging me.  Last night, I waited for the firefighter next to me to finish his set of bicep curls so that I could take my turn- with the same weight.  The poor guy walked over to another machine with his tail between his legs. lol.

So back to the whole "cup check" incident...  Xavy had been teasing his brother that he had better get his butt in shape because his training partner, a girl, might be able to out-lift him.  His brother's laughed it off saying he would have to do a cup check it that was the case.

He didn't even see it coming...

Now, let me preface this by saying that at no point did I out-lift him.  I did however match him pound for pound a few times.  Probably a few times too many for that Ramirez ego that both of those men have.  I was giving it 125%.  I was having a blast!  Because I pushed him, he in turn pushed Xavy.  All of us KILLED IT that night in the gym.  I don't think that there was a plate in the gym that had not been touched. The whole time, we cracked up at each other and all had a really great workout.  If it wasn't for the pushup bra being all the proof that I needed that I was a female, I would have probably indeed endured the now famous, "cup check".  In my defense, the push-up bra, although inappropriate in the gym, was necessary.  I have got NOTHING left!  Xavy has bigger boobs then I do now.

I may not have many females on my Island of Testosterone, (the free weight area), but I have great friends that respect me for the "athlete" that I am.   I go in, I go hard and and keep up.  It may not be the most feminine hobby that I have but damn it makes me feel pretty awesome.

My max, that I remember (so far):
-results not typical, lol-

Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 15 @ 160lbs
Leg Press, (High and Wide): 2 sets of 15 @ 733lbs
Push-ups: 4sets of 50
Seated Bicep Curls: 2 sets of 15 @ 25lbs
Dumbbell Concentrations: 4 sets of 15 @ 30lbs
Rope Pushdown: 2 sets of 20 @ 42.5lbs
Tbar Row: 1 set of 12 @ 95lbs