Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One of those days

Not every day is a walk in the park. Not every day do I have the strength to keep motivated as soon as my eyes open up in the morning.  Some times I just have to fake it till I make it. 

Last night I had things on my mind that kept me awake all night. That made it all to easy to skip cardio this morning. That really sucks because I has an awesome streak going.  Streak broken. Now, I sit here bummed out that I let myself down. For breakfast, after my eggs and oatmeal, I started to fall off the wagon.  A spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of cottage cheese.  Yea, not as bad as a slice if cake or pizza, but still not good.  Clearly it is "emotional eating". 
So what am I going to do about it? Pack my lunch and walk out of the kitchen. Blog to keep my hands busy and spend today re-evaluating things around me.  I've always preached about weeding out the negativity and only holding on to what makes you feel good about yourself.

Going to work with my meals packed, workouts clothes, shoes, a goal and my blog. 

Fake it till I make it, right?


  1. Hang in there it isn't always easy (as I have learned from with wonderful blog that keeps me going when I just want to throw in the towel) and why is your streak broken? You have the rest of the day to do cardio. So maybe it isn't first thing in the am cardio but it could be end of the day cardio! I hear ya with the emotional eating but be proud of yourself instead of eating the entire jar of peanut butter you ate one spoonful not so bad in the grand scheme of things and how is cottage cheese bad for you. (although with my texture issues I have never been able to stand the consitency of cottage cheese) but again in the grand scheme of things you started emotional eating recognized it for what it was packed your stuff and left. I think you should give yourself a huge pat on the back for doing that. Would that be what you would have done a year or more ago? Gratz on the great job keep it up as one of my favorite bloggers says there are good days and bad days and in my eyes this falls very close to a good day.

    1. This is an amazing reply. I thank you so much and after reading it the first time, it stuck in my head all day. I even came back to read it twice. It really means a lot that I have friends/fans in my corner when I need them. I didn't end up doing cardio after all but I had a killer workout last night and finished off the day EXACTLY on plan.

      Momma Mud-Lori :)

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