Thursday, August 30, 2012

Heads up-or down

Training with Xavy, you better plan on kicking your inner Beast Mode into high gear.  Take your 1 max rep weight, add 40 lbs more, then you lift it up and down... 20 times each....arm.

Training with Donny, (the CrossFit dude), your going to take the weights you used with Xavy and hop over them. Spin on your head and alternate that with high speed one legged jumping jacks...or something equally as insane, probably unnecessary and annoyingly hot.

Both in one week????  Needless to say, I am hearing that I could quite possibly be OVERTRAINING?!?!  Ya think?  But I am loving it so is it really so bad? It's not like I am in competition mode. Yet. 

We all heard/read my blog post about CrossFit with Kelly.  It was one of those things that I never thought I would do, could do and then did it. When our gym started (Ghetto) CrossFit this week, I was all about giving it one more try. Of course I pick the day that we have to stand on our heads and do push-ups like 90 times. No, really... that's what we had to do.  That was only 1/3rd of the W.O.D. though.  It may have only been a fraction of the workout, but to me, it was the scariest.  From training with the X man, I have learned that there is nothing strength related that can get past me.  So it wasn't the actual push-up part that scared me, it was the whole.... looking like a fool, upside down and possibly breaking my neck part.  Yea, laugh. In my family, neck breaking is all too close to home.  That shit really happens!  Uncle Pat always had to be the center of attention didn't he? Haha.  So annnnnny way... I started the day off knowing that I would give it a try with someone I knew that I could to capture it on camera for proof.  I went to the information Mecca for guidance, YouTube.  With a few modification examples readily available on my phone, I was on my way to the gym.

W.O.D. (Workout of the Day)
30 sets for time

5 Wall Balls
3 Handstand push-ups
1 Clean Press

-Wall Balls, with a medicine ball.  Not so bad.  For the first 75 anyway.  I wasn't loving the whole squat part but it was doable.
-Clean Press, as soon as I saw a barbell, I knew I was golden. EASY! 
-Handstand Push-ups, #+@$&!!!!! I set my feet up about 4 feet onto a shelf of cubbie, assumed the pike position and went for 3. Holy Hanna!  You NEED to breathe when you do those.  If not, walking to the next workout you have to dodge stars floating around your head.

I kept up with Mighty Mouse and his kid sister the whole time.  If you have ever met Donny, you know what I mean.  You can't miss him, unless you blink. I think maybe they were as shocked as I was that I was keeping up.  I give Xavy and Kelly credit, I owe my strength and endurance to both of them. *muah*. 

When it was all said and done, Jen, with camera in hand helped me get into my very first handstand.  I mean like first...ever!  After a few tries and belly laughing, I did it!  I held it long enough for the photo and to be honest, we all know that's really all that matters.  On my last try, I did a bit of a shrug that if in slow motion, would resemble a push-up.  Goal: achieved! Being a good sister-in-law, she even video taped the whole process to humiliate me.  Apparently that's going up on the private blog.  Thank goodness!

So one day's W.O.D. down, only 364 more to go.   Tomorrow is 3 rounds of an 800meter run. Hmm... I might accidentally forget to make it tomorrow!!!!  This girl doesn't run unless she is being chased.

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