Monday, August 27, 2012

Bigger the Better

On Saturday, I took myself on a date.  Nothing like being the smallest person in the room to boost your ego about your weight. lol

My opinion of bodybuilders has made a complete turn around this year.  If you would have pointed out a body builder and asked me what I thought a year ago, it would not have been a polite answer.  (I will be saving the details since a lot of my new friends are bodybuilders.).  Dropping fat is one thing, toning your muscles is another but building... oh that is a whole different ball game.  I have been busting my ass in the gym for hours and hours a week and seeing serious definition but my now famous trapz wouldn't even bleep on the radar at a bodybuilding competition.

Saturday, I had the opportunity to meet a whole slew of people from the "cool kids table" at a local Bodybuilding Competition.  I was standing alone in line when a guy spotted me and waved for me to come over to him.  He knew me?!?!  Turns out that he knew my back.  I had posted a few photos of my new muscles and he recognized me.  How freaking cool is that?  In fact, to another group of people, that is how I was recognized...."The girl with the back.".  So funny!

Outside of the creepy dude sitting next to me that kept giving me the serial killer stare, everyone  was so great.  I am humbled to be in the presence of some of these individuals.  What is better is that the bigger that they are, the smaller I look.  You can't argue with that!

I hate to name drop but.... I just gotta.

The banner above the stage read, "Jay Cutler Classic".  I knew he was a big deal but I had no clue who he was.  Thank goodness for Wikipedia! I should have known that he was the big dude that everyone was crowding around. Hundreds of people flocked to get their photos taken with him so you know I had to squeeze myself in there too. :)  Too bad it was 112 degrees in the building, my hair never stood a chance!

Jay Cutler
His biceps are literally the size of my torso.  Wow.  (and he has better hair!)

I have to say, I wish I knew this woman's name.  On stage, she was on competitor that most closely resembled my physique.  Well, the physique that I imagine is under there some where.  

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