This blog has lately been littered with tidbits about physical strength. Don't worry, I have not forgotten about emotional strength. Oh bel-ieve me, I have not.
My posts have been a bit on the dry side lately as I deal with some personal issues over here in Lori Land. I've been contemplating blogging for the last few days but getting it out on paper (screen) makes things "real". Much like my goals that I share, once I hit "POST", it's out there and there is no turning back. That can be both good and bad. Okay, so with this lengthy intro you are probably thinking... "Geesh, did someone die?" Well....
This week, I am grieving the loss of my Uncle Pat, the loss of my post pull-up body (yep, I did one!), the breakup with a boyfriend, and the disappearance of my favorite new red and silver halter top. Not necessarily in that order. Let's just say that this week makes Xavy's Warrior Week look like a walk in the park.
My Uncle Patrick passed away suddenly yesterday evening. Many of you have followed his recovery from a spinal cord injury on Facebook. Growing up with some less-then fathers, my uncle was THE only man in my life that never let me down. Growing up, if Mom said "no", he gave me two. If school mandated black leather shoes, he got me the most bad-ass Dr. Martin boots. If I said I wanted to set a goal, he asked me about my progress EVERY time I saw him. Uncle Pat was the first family member to know that I was going to train for a show or take the Personal Training exam. He was so proud of me and made sure that I always knew it. Because of my Uncle, I will always hold my head high knowing that I can be whatever I want and rest assured that I know all the secrets to surviving any drinking game. He will be missed. So, so much. Uhh... Where are the tissues?
The pull-up, ahhhh the Pull-Up. I set my sites on doing a pull up a long long time ago. Up until a few months ago, I didn't think that it was ever going to happen. Surely not for a lack of trying. I set a goal to do it by August 15th. Today in the gym, I did it. It was F-Ugly but Kelly said..."I will count that one." With that being said.... I can do a pull-up. Up next, 100 pull-up challenge. Hey, it says you only need to do I've to start. ;)
The moment you have all been patiently reading or skimming through for, the breakup. Well, sorry about your luck. I won't be sharing the det's. I don't kiss and tell. Unless of course it's Bradley Cooper. Then you better believe I'll be dishing alllllllll the dirty details. All that really needs to be said on that guy is that we are still great friends, and I am still a sexy beast. End of story.
The shirt. When I had my first shopping spree at 70 lbs down, I went shopping for some new clothes that I didn't look like a hobo in. After the comment from my Uncle Pat about my "Fu€& me traps". I knew that the halter was the way to go. Even Xavy had some awesomely inappropriate things to say about the new style. I got a few of them and one in particular is my "goin' out" shirt. Well... if you are following along, you will understand that I have some funeral occasions to attend and well, I am single! Where the hell is that damn shirt? Since I got it at 70lbs down, perhaps I should treat myself to a new one since last week I hit 90lbs down? Agree? Of course you do. That's why I love you.
So... that's what's going on. I actually feel better having finally sat down to blog. What an awesome feeling you guys give me. Simply awesome.
Good night!
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