Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What's in it for me?

Last night, Brent and I discussed my involvement with karate.  I am still going to class on Thursdays, but the excitement is just not there like it used to be.  A year ago, I was involved in all things Martial Arts.  Was that a phase? Naa.  It was a necessary stepping stone in my journey.  I love how "friends" of mine have decided that my involvement with karate went exclusively hand in hand with my social life.  Of course surrounding myself with other Martial Artists aided my continued involvement.  Who doesn't surround themselves with people with similar interests?

When I decided that I needed a change, that I needed to get physical, (*singing... "Get physical, physical..."), I knew I had to do what I enjoyed doing.  I hated the treadmill and I still do.  So to assume that I was going to get on a treadmill one day and stick to it was unrealistic.  Karate was one thing that I enjoyed as a child.  I reconnected with my former organization and I found my starting line.  Initially, those 4 hours a week in class were the most active 4 hours that I had in a week.  As I found my footing and started picking up new things, I made new friends, started teaching and started climbing rank.  I physically worked myself up to training 4-5 days a week.  That dedication laid the groundwork for my gym time these days.  I knew then that I could indeed find the extra time in my day if it was something that I wanted badly enough.  In the beginning of this year, my focus shifted into my gym training.  Karate classes were ending for the spring and I needed to keep active.  Then... Summer Break!  During my summer break from Karate, my life had flipped upside down.  As much as I love karate, those few hours a week that I have to spend on anything other then work and sleep had to be used as efficiently as possible.  My time is just as valuable as everyone elses. In my karate class, I simply do not get the workout that I need.  My body and endurance has adjusted and it is simply not as challenging as it once was.  My body and journey can not afford for me to take a break.  Once a week is about as much as I can give up from my training routine at the gym and still maintain this progress.

Karate was my stepping stone, my starting line, my gateway.  Without it, I would have not known what I was capable of.  By doing something I enjoyed doing, I was able to lay the groundwork for the next leg of my journey.  The reason I bring this up is because I hear people tell me all of the time that they don't have time to workout.  They don't have the energy or the drive.   What the heck is that crap?  If you have time to play video games for 3 hours a day, that is 3 hours a day that you can put in the gym.  If you can dance at the bar for 4 hours on Friday and Saturday night, those are 2 nights a week that you can put in a good workout.  If you sit and read for an hour a night, that is 1 hour a night that you can be reading on the treadmill.  Enough with the excuses.  If you want it, find a way to make it work.  Don't be afraid to ease into it.  I did.  My journey started with Karate.  I didn't just wake up one day with an extra 3 hours on my hands.  I just understood that if I had the time and energy to put into something I wanted, then I had the time and energy to put into something I needed.

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