First of all, let me preface this by saying that I am not struggling with shedding fat. I've got that part in the bag. No matter what I do, or don't do, I've created a machine that can endure the bumps in the road. It's the staying enough on plan to maintain this efficiency that I am working on.
This evening, I spent an hour on the phone with Lynn. The woman knows me well. When the blog entries slow, something is up. How lucky am I? We all should be able to call eachother out. For the most part we do. I think that's what makes us all successful. This is a hard journey to walk alone. We are a team, we are eachothers motivators and we are friends.
Missing goal this week really hurt. I tried to play it off but I simply can't. I have to own it before it owns me. Eww... I so just said that. What a cliche.
I am back to 162. So I am even. Screw 160. I am putting the scale away and giving myself a few weeks. (Lynn's orders.) When I look at the scale next, I will be down. 1 or 12, it will be down.
I've gotta formulate a plan. My meal plan works. I am sticking to it. My workout plan has been inconsistent but it's been working. I think the one thing we all agree on is bringing back *gulp* cardio. There I said it. Cardio. With enough cardio, I can offset most, if not all of those tiny slip ups. The meal plan is something that I have to think about every single day. Lucky for me, the gym part is second nature. I love it and look forward to it every day. If I can just get some cardio in, I would be golden. Its like drinking coffee. I love coffee. I could still have it, but I had to cut out the sugar and cream. It would take some getting used to and I would miss it, but one day I will wake up and like back coffee. It look some time but that happened. I get up every morning and pour myself a cup of black coffee. Its second nature. This cardio will suck but it will give me just enough edge on my metabolism to see more dramatic results. When I see results, I stay more focused.
My focus needs more focus. ~karate kid. Lol
Lynn, thank you.
No thank you! We are in together for the long haul. We have to pick each other up! I am looking forward to the next 6 weeks ... 6 weeks of accountability and lots of cardio! See you on the other side, pounds down!